
Yeah, that was just

Yeah, that’s gross. Obviously, you keep her for yourself.

Is there any Real Housewife who wouldn’t pimp her own child, though? Any of them?

“Don’t all double plays start with a 6-9?” [Wink followed by smile]

That’s exactly what someone deep into this would say.

Tiffany, apparently.

I casually knew Ivanka Trump for several years. Her target audience is almost exclusively other people who were born on third base and think they hit a triple.

Who is this woman’s audience? It certainly can’t be women who voted for her dipshit father, nor can it be women who didn’t. She’s a 15 year old mentally, who would take (woefully bad) advice from a bratty spoiled teenager?

Eastern bloc blocks. Very shoddy.

I call this piece “Arguing on Twitter”

Trump’s approval rating is approaching the percentage of fuckwits in America. They may only be a percentage or two apart, but I doubt his approval will drop below, say 33%. Those idiots love that he lies all the time, love that he’s destroying America, and love love love being assholes just like him.

My kids grew up around black people as well, and were the minority in their schools, but they know that their talking in that idiom is “forcing it.” As far as talking “street”, some black parents don’t hold with that either (I still remember how a couple of my son’s friends would turn it on and off depending if their

Trump isn’t throwing shade. He’s openly throwing Ryan under a bus.

In the time it took WVU not to shoot anything close to a basket in the last 30 seconds, I think anyone watching it just assumed there would be another 10 points scored in that game. The fact that they never even got off anything resembling a shot in all the time was amazing.

Sorry, but vintage videos of Julia Child doing her thing are still the best. Between her “surprised owl” voice, her infectious enthusiasm and her willingness to admit that even the best-planned dishes can get f’ed up, she’s still the best.

Yeah, Trump doesn’t give a shit about healthcare. He just wants to do tax cuts, that’s fun time for him.

More of Donald’s signature 4-D chess (i.e. basing his decisions on whatever he saw on cable that morning)