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    Is that not Roger Ailes enjoying his severance package?

    Scott Garland told the Post and Courier: “It’s nothing negative against anybody. It was intended as a show of support to the men and women in blue.”

    Haven’t seen that much intensity since Ruby shot Oswald in the guts

    I believe Pris said it best in 2019 when she said:

    Haven’t read it, but does one state’s (possible) definition set the precedent for a federal policy? I mean, at this stage anyway?

    Right, but it hasn’t been codified, and until it is it’s all just so much bluster. God bless the ridiculous Trump administration for its preternatural yen for stepping on its own dick.

    Maybe air rifles shouldn’t be allowed to look indistinguishable from actual deadly firearms, or maybe more training on identifying between the two. Or does the free market supercede common sense- hahaha I know: what the fuck am I talking about, right? lol Condolences to all, Tamir Rice, everyone else...

    That’ll shore up some reelection votes, but have any courts (or any other official body, for that matter) actually spelled out what a “sanctuary city” is? How do you ban that which you can’t officially define? I don’t think “I know pornography when I see it” will apply here.

    You’d better actually be French, motherfucker. I starred this comment- I don’t just give that shit away.

    Let’s give him (Hennessy) the benefit of the doubt, and assume he’s in the right side of history- even then, no good deed goes unpunished.

    That long arc of moral history sure feels like a mirage sometimes- godspeed this redoubling of effort. May justice finally prevail.

    Joking about turning your own daughter out is hilarious. Ha. Ha. Ha.

    For the amount of shit she’s put up with in the last 100 days, she should be named Journalist of the Year straight up.


    Not sure if “aghast” is the word we’re looking for here.

    Phoenix where’s the love? Where are the best strip clubs and 24 hr taco joints, besides Bandaid’s and Filiberto’s? What else is going on in the Valley? Is thare any cocktail/steak house more RatPack than Durant’s? Why else should anyone go there, tourist-wise

    Alice Waters is the chef who deserves a renaissance tbh whatever

    This is just Trump cucking Paul Ryan’s lifelong dream of installing Randian P-90X Market based solutions for Medicaid because he didn’t hop on the TrumpTrain during the campaign. Plus he doesn’t care about ACA or any replacements- it isn’t what he ran on, and it would be smart to walk away rather than enable a 2018

    A house divided cannot stand- bring on the schisms.

    I guess John Owen got his mother’s looks. Please don’t desecrate the house from The Outsiders with your stupid supernatural detective show.