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    Draw me like one your French girls

    At least Death ends suffering.

    My god, even better.

    I love that Death was brought in solely to high-five Putin. That’s pointed commentary.

    How this happened remains a mystery.

    Maybe the grizzly bear who ate the Dept. of Education staffer because they didn’t have a gun typed it. They’re apex predators, not spelling bee champs.

    You’re welcome!

    Lol- Eric, the Spare Apparent

    Judging by the whites of his eyes I’d say he’s already had one.

    I’m just happy for all the hardworking native born Americans who will soon live their dreams of being dishwashers, roofers, lettuce pickers and nannies. And I won’t miss for a second all the tax moneys illegals put into Social Security for us, and will likely never use.

    Just as soon as you throw out your link to infowars


    Which country is that?

    And you’re jerking off while you light the matches.

    Who’s “us”? Judging by your history you mean the the dumbfucks who voted him in thinking, “he didn’t mean what he said”. Your “thoughts” for the families are as useless as whatever your chaotic agenda is.  

    He can’t build that northern wall fast enough, frankly.

    A fresh propaganda poster for the war to recruit jihadists so we can take their oil.

    They never had the open support of a “presidential” administration before, or have been so publically empowered, at least in my lifetime. Better late than never to get woke, and I’d say you’re going to see much more public solidarity with POC by white male libs moving forward. The Bernie campaign was a good example.