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    Fuck you, LiveLeak.

    In that neck of the woods, he could be all three.

    Idk, the average age of the witnesses is like 17 months. Maybe they could fingerpaint an image of the perp?

    Stage 6 of Kübler-Ross: exploitation. Brace yourselves.

    I think I got pregnant watching this. I guess that’ll happen when you follow a site that makes you shit your dick every now and then.

    Probably not, but you know they’ll be relieved it’s not a white wife on that show. Remember the social media backlash from that Honey Nut Cheerios commercial? Salty cracker flambé.

    ...dude...what if we just made smaller brownies...?

    Does she smoke pot? No? Then forget it.

    Probably made you pretty resilient though, huh Yogi?

    Prince Fielder is the pleasure craft of baseball, sounds like.

    Suspended for marijuana? This no chill rage monster should have an I.V. drip of blueberry kush.

    He really moves in mysterious ways, doesn't He? Faith.

    Micah’s delivery went smoothly, but his sister Madelyn was still in utero, even though doctors had expected her to arrive with her brother.

    Juuust a bit inside.

    It didn’t really work, work, work, work, work, work, work for me.

    The sanctity of the nation’s blue dresses would be slightly more preserved, for starters.

    I stand corrected: you're funnier.

    + vier sterne

    Henkels n’ Bits

    “I believe it was Neil deGrasse Tyson who once said...”