
Did France just keep blowing up the same island?

I had a Netflix account and I was trying to catch up on all the shows I had missed. With Netflix it took forever, even with a 4 at a time plan. I started going to the library, and an entire season on DVD would cost $1 to rent, and I could keep it for upwards of a month. And if the local library didn't have it, they

@Hunter2458: I was thinking the same thing. Just one blast would take out half the fleet!

I hate it when hack salesmen bitch about the people that made their wonderful product.

@Zool SD: Do you suppose that is what Apple is going with the iPhone 4? Have it totally suck, and then come out with a replacement in two months and require everyone to buy a new one?

Come on people, Southland Tales was a steaming pile of crap.

Not satisfied. Many people bought the phone because of its small profile. Now they have to put a case or bumper on it and make it wider and fatter.

Total bullshit, it was just a total CYA whitewashing. "Oh, that problem you are having... not really a big deal, happens to everyone, this is still the best thing ever, its magical!"

You cannot stop Sharktopus, you can only hope to contain him.

@sockeye: Yep, low pressure means the oil is escaping further down the pipe, which will erode away the pipe and surrounding rock leaving just a big crater straight into the oil reservoir.

He's going to swim in a vault of gold coins like Scrooge McDuck. I'm rich bitch!

Are we running out of raw materials such that we need to resort to wearing bacteria jackets and living in pig flesh houses?

I'd love to see a mashup of Predator and Starship Troopers. Fascist humans attack the Predator home world and get their asses handed to them.

Am I missing something? Was there a clamoring for someone to come up with a solution to the rotting pig carcass house question?

But then when you have the extra disc, they will not send you another one until you've returned two that you have.

I rode in one of those things in Cancun. They are meant for people who don't know how to scuba.

@murderface_: I thought the same thing. I can see it now, people stuck in a crowded elevator all trying not to yawn, and one person does it, and it causes a chain reaction, and everyone dies. I see people running through a meadow to get away from yawning people. Run away! That would be far better than running away

Instead of suing for slander, have celebrities tried suing tabloids for creating characters based on their likeness?

@BL: Because the U.S. doesn't say "It is no concern of ours how you run your own country". The U.S. specifically says it is our business how anybody does anything anywhere as long as it isn't how we like it to be. If you wipe your ass in a way we don't like, we're going to drop a missile down your chimney.

As long as Rick Berman is nowhere near a new Star Trek, I'm all for it.