
It's not so much "x character is really evil", it's more like "x character isn't perfect", which I think lines up pretty well with the point of Steven Universe.

Is it weird that I don't trust Rose? Idk, she was so interested In Garnet, but she didn't say why. There's this theory going around that says Rose is responsible for the fusion experiments, I just find it hard to believe she's all rainbows and sunshine.

Wait I think I know this one, the sub should go to the dom who would rather give up the sub than see it cut in two

Wait, what?

So last week I talked about my plans to tell everyone I'm bisexual on Twitter, and I'm happy to report that I actually did it. I was at this end-of-the-semester party and I got *slightly* drunk. At some point I ended up outside lying on the hood of a car watching two friends make out (one of them actually frequents

Stronger Than You by Estelle

Recently I've been thinking about how much I've grown in the past year, and as much of a non-sequitur as this might be I don't think I can go into 2016 as I have now. It's taking up too much energy wondering what my life would be like if my bisexuality became public knowledge and quite frankly I can't do this forever.

I don't know how many of you remember the Tribes series, but Hi-Rez Studios just released the entire series as freeware (http://www.tribesuniverse.c…, so I'm gonna be playing Tribes: Vengeance this weekend

I didn't do it, my phone died before I sent the tweet

So last Saturday I got drunk at a friends birthday party and learned that no matter how much alcohol passes through my system my bisexual slut will remain in its cage, which I found a little sad. I mean, I wish I could be the kind of person who could hit on random guys without worrying about the consequences, but

"By the time the game ended, she stood again in the light, comforting a dying apprentice—one she hadn’t quite managed to save, who had fallen in battle against an unstoppable opponent—by gently reminding him that there was no death. There was only the Force."

Will there ever be a day when white people don't give me a headache?

I've never personally hated a presidential candidate…until now.

In season one every scene between Lucious and Jamal was about his homosexuality, now it's never mentioned. This season every scene between Lucious and Andre is about his mental illness.

Honestly, fuck grindr. If I can't do it in the real world I'm not doing it at all. The more online something is the worse it becomes, and grindr is proof of that.

No, it's Miami. I'd just rather keep my business private.

Yeah, but then I have to convince them to make out with me in the first place and then I make sure it's kept a secret…we're a very tight knit group. I may need help planning this out.

So on the pop-culture weekend thread I talked how well trying out vodka and soda worked out at a house party, and my dance team is having a party again on Saturday so I'd like to try my next party goal: getting drunk and doing something stupid, but harmless. Now I'd like to try making out with a guy but I party with

Yeah it sounds to me like it's all white women. If it's going to be the feminist music festival they claim it is they could at least imagine a few black women in their lineup.

Several Savage Love columns ago I posted about wanting to be a more experienced drinker and someone suggested vodka+soda+cranberry juice. Well Friday night I went a house party and tried it along with the occasional shot and it went great, it was enough alcohol to "grease the wheels" without leaving me completely