
"Thus Kurt/Karofsky becomes Kurtofsky"
The fuck???? Were we watching the same show?

I'm probably not gonna watch Parasyte, but I'm sure it's better than Sword Art Online

- I kinda assumed that's what the cluster was. The "earth as an egg" trope isn't exactly common, but…

White people smh

Since last week another of my friends has entered a relationship and my single ass is bitter, I'm kidding, but seriously I'm dealing with the fact that as my friends start dating people I'm going to see less of them. I just…I don't know.

- Being completely open and honest with a person…I have a lot of issues
- Knowing full well that I'm entering a relationship with another guy, everyone's going to know, and I'm putting myself at considerable risk

Oh that's right, she was cast as Amanda Waller. A DC/Marvel ship? It's so Romeo and Juliet.

- If there's one word I could wipe from the universe it be that one , like seriously the word you trippin on is bisexual, a tiny bit of clarity goes a long way.

Well…at least Jamal has flaws now, although his worst decision by far was breaking up with a red power ranger

And just like that any desire I had to watch this show is gone, thanks.

The technical stuff is good, I'll give AHS that

Oh thank god

I really hope Viola, Taraji and Tatiana become emmy mainstays

Modern Family and AHS have won nothing

- I really hope they don't try to explain Missy coming back, I don't really care how, also Moffat has a way of coming up with the most ridiculous shit before patting himself on the back with the same hand he uses to jack off. I'm just really glad she's back

Am I the only one who keeps it reading it as "Red Tomato"?

I'm not going to click that Tvtropes link because I have things to do today.

Fusion is just a cheap tactic to make weak Jaegers stronger.

"I felt the antagonists' problem with Ruby/Sapphire is more that such strong and permanent love and devotion is seen as a weakness or a defect, not anything about sexuality."