
So recently I've been busy practicing with a dance crew for a competition on Halloween. So far I've learned ~45 seconds of what's going to be a 7 minute set, I don't know how this is going to work. We started conditioning yesterday so it hurts to laugh, so I'm glad you guys are as humorless are you usually are.

*Stretches* I'll keep updating as I refresh my memory

Can these crushes be fictional or….

I've always felt that any additional Avatar series would feature characters in their early 20's, if only to follow the trend set by the other two series'. I'd also like this imaginary series to answer a few questions of mine, like can a waterbender also bend sulfuric acid seeing as it also contains hydrogen and

I finally saw Her, that movie's pretty fucked up.

This video lead me to the HTGAWM promo. I, personally, would love to find out who killed…oh fuck I've already forgotten her name, it's been a while.

I didn't realize that Destiny's Child sang the theme to The Proud Family until a tumblr post pointed it out.

I'm confused, explain?

You could try the TOR browser.

I am completely incapable of trust, getting the most minute details about myself out of me is like pulling teeth. I worry too much about what other people think of me and If I don't have confirmation that they like me I assume the worst. I lowkey enjoy being the center of attention. I have a bad habit for failing for

The minute I saw this headline I thought of Kill-La-Kill. At the very beginning of the series one of the teachers said there's was nothing they could do because the student body president's parent(Ragyo) owned the school…or something like that.

I think I hear it now

- Nicki Minaj's Monster verse

On Thursday UCF is going to do to FIU what Nicki did to Miley. I suppose I should have more school spirit, but I've been here far to long to pretend it's gonna end any differently, but I am welcome to being proven wrong.

I guess It's a little bit of the former. I've only had beer so far(which tastes disgusting, btw) and I'd like to try something new when the opportunity presents itself without dying.

How do you go about asking for someone's name even though you met him like a year ago?

So I've checked and Gina Rodriguez has not been nominated for an Emmy, Advantage: Maslany

"Then, in “Gender,” Jerrod’s mentee reveals a secret about his sexuality, which leads to a family discussion about gender roles"

You can always count on Wil Wheaten to ruin an episode. But seriously though, why is he necessary?

just a Beyonce concert?