
Artistry? Did Jay z give control of Tidal's twitter to Kanye?

the desirability of children addressing their father as “sir”

Who is beck?

True, I could've added a cucumber to my purchases

I mean yeah I could get it online, but I feel like as someone who wants to have sex at some point I'm gonna have to put on my big boy pants and buy condoms and lube in public, it's like a rite of passage. Also I'm not willing to put my faith in discrete shipping.

So in recent news I actually managed to buy lube! In a physical store! In public!


Depending on who you ask it could range anywhere from "the same as everyone else" to "white slavery". Honestly most of what I've seen of the "fight against whiteness" on the internet is nothing more than insulting their refusal to use spices and the rate at which they appear to age, but if you say so they'll get more

If Dark Matter and Mass Effect have proven anything it's that spacing the female protagonist only makes them angrier.

If it weren't for Meredith Brooks we would've never heard Tatiana Maslany scream "Bitch" at the top of her lungs.

- Whenever I go to the on-campus Panda Express I debate whether to get one entree or two, the debate always ends with the phrase "Treat yo Self!"

I prefer Firehouse Subs, their pastrami's really good.

Um…How do I say this as PC as possible…Idiotking and I have completely opposite views on what an attractive gay man looks like, I'd also like to come across as polite in my messages.

Hmm, I don't think I'm there yet, but I'll save that one for later

When you think about it Drunk or a Kid is actually a game that requires a lot of thought and strategy

I'm gonna be spending most of the week babysitting my cousin's kids, a job that has truly cemented my dislike of children, but I'm going back to college on Saturday, a place guaranteed not to have any kids nearby.

"it's the difference between a boy and a man"

" potentially combining the youthful ebullience of Kimmy Schmidt and the frazzled desperation of Liz Lemon"

- I think I've about had it with the "father won't gay/trans child" trope

Finn Wittrock as thrill-seeking male model Tristan Duffy, who “finds the biggest high in Lady Gaga.”