Significantly less than 50% of the US population currently gets their period. Yet, lots of stores sell tampons.
Significantly less than 50% of the US population currently gets their period. Yet, lots of stores sell tampons.
Why on earth would a parent do anything to help their child cheat on a driving test? The test is relatively simple, and if my kid can’t pass on his own, I don’t want him out on the road anyway, for safety’s sake!
He didn’t succeed in trying to fire him. He still tried to fire him. It’s really not that hard to understand.
I was saying “boo-urns.”
I think they went to see if they could undermine it, then messed up and actually reported what they learned confirming it. Really just a complete breach of policy on several levels.
Attempting to obstruct justice, against the express warning of your own party, only to be stopped by someone threatening to quit (and thus exposing the plot) is extremely concerning to me.
It absolutely matters. It doesn’t have to be a crime to be an impeachable offense, and the Republicans have already stated that firing Mueller (or Sessions, or anyone else in the judicial) is a red line that must not be crossed. We know now that Trump adamantly pursued Mueller’s firing, despite these warnings, and was…
I mean, what is “attempted murder,” honestly? Do they give a Nobel Prize for “attempted chemistry”?
They are going to be deported anyway. You cannot trust anything this administrations says, does, or signs and you certainly cannot trust them to obey the law.
So basically, “no i didn’t do that, no i didn’t do that no i didn’t do that, yes i did it but what’s the big deal.”
It’s not a simplistically binary-only choice. Stop drinking that Kool-Aid and passive-aggressively splitting the voters on the left.
Who could possibly trust a magazine that posted a picture that Sean Hannity willingly posed for, looking like that, and that he later photoshopped for no reason at all?
Apparently they already shutdown the ability to purchase anything in app. You can’t buy Miitomo coins anymore.
Ok, but in context that’s exactly that Greer was referring to, so I wanted to address that aspect. And even with ‘sleeping your way to the top’, that’s an accusation that is often (if not always?) directed at women who have sexual relations with a superior, but I’m sure many are subject to similar threats/blackmail -…
“Sometimes I have the tendency to lash out to others on the staff …” This is how you know Team Meehan is not a collection of equals. I seriously doubt that when the stress of passing a terrible tax bill that further weakens the ACA by repealing the mandate gets to another member of the team, that he or she lashes out…
He said he felt bad about lashing out in his office when told of the woman’s relationship, attributing it to the tension-filled stretch around the House GOP votes to repeal the Affordable Care Act, when he faced intense pressure from both sides of the debate.
The party of personal responsibility.
I’m not having a go at you, but I’ve seen this repeated a few times - that the actresses essentially chose to sleep with Weisntein in order to get roles. But really, they slept with (or did whatever with) Weinstein because if they didn’t, they would not only not get that particular role, but they might never get…
“I’m just going at you so hard because I care about you the most.”
“There is no hierarchy whatsoever on this team I decided to name after me.”