
Perhaps his friend, Senatorial candidate, Chelsea Manning, will use her growing influence to address this situation. When Manning was in prison, Assange offered to trade himself for her, although Assange weaseled out when Manning’s release was announced.

Funny how your attitude on a guy changes when he starts actively colluding with a Russian despot.

No one’s liked him since he skipped town on sexual assault charges in Sweden, conning Ecuador into believing his story of the US is out to get him to get free protection. This has been since 2010 where were you?

People used to like him because the leaks were almost entirely non-partisan. It was primarily Government agencies and programs that had no real party affiliation or when they did, it was the party in power. He leaked info on both the Bush and Obama administrations for years and most people were still on his side. Most

Drone assassination started under George W Bush but fully matured under Obama, but lets not fool ourselves. If UAV technology we have today was available to ANY previous administration you can sure as shit bet they would have used it the same way we currently are.

Jeezus. Dude is practically transparent.

Board up his windows, deny visitors access and turn off his internet.

God I am so fucking sick of this asshole.

Republicans have proven themselves over the past nine years not to be coming to the table in good faith, so if this bipartisan deal to reopen the government is contingent upon their “word” that they’ll do *anything,* I sincerely hope the Democrats pass and tell them to go fuck themselves.

^this comment is painfully ironic.

I think Trump makes these random, capricious demands and throws out agreements because he thinks being completely unpredictable and hard to work with makes him a good negotiator. Not “can we get a deal that everyone is happy with,” but “is the other guy mad? If he’s mad it must be because I screwed him and got a

I posted this elsewhere but it’s interesting that fox tweeted this.

Lemme guess: the Republicans are going to try to get this passed by promising votes on DACA and CHIP and the like prior to February 8th, and will promptly not deliver.

Jared and Ivanka have sex through a hole in the bedsheets between them. Ivanka calls him daddy but Jared chooses not to listen. It’s all very dry but no one complains. This is what they’re supposed to be doing. This is what it’s like, right? Two normal people, doing normal things, in normal spaces.

I’ve seen it posted elsewhere, but I think it needs to be said over and over. The President and the GOP have majority in House and Senate and they STILL can’t sort their shit out. All they seem to be able to do is blame the Democrats. The US has a government that appears to be unable to govern even though they hold

THIS. Christ, it’s driving me bonkers how poorly the dems are managing this, when for once they are truly not at fault for any of this mess.

Passive-aggressive outgoing voicemail messages: tools of the trade for 16 year old girls and the US presidency.

Yes because these same kind of simple tactics arent being used in turn. Seriously, the DNC needs to take out nation wide commercial ad space and get to filming about who holds every seat of power as well as a brief clip of McCaskill offering up the bill for troops and McConnell shooting it down, the exact day the

Holding funding for our troops hostage? Hmmm ... where have I seen that before?