‘judge me by my work, but also judge me -positively- because of the people i’ve worked with who do important stuff that i have no part of.’
‘judge me by my work, but also judge me -positively- because of the people i’ve worked with who do important stuff that i have no part of.’
David Cage respected Ellen Page so much that he made a nude CGI model of her without her knowledge or (obviously) permission.
All the David Cage thing really means is that he thinks he can can be less of a shitty person by standing next to people who aren’t shitty.
I’m really confused on your take on the first quote. It’s not hard to say at all. What the quantic guy is saying is essentially the equivalent of “Me racist? I have black friends.” His quote actually is really telling as is your comment. By and far the folks who say “but I can’t be X, because I interact with Y” are…
I’m excited for Labo; I totally didn’t expect an announcement like that at all. Glad to see innovation is paying off for Nintendo, at least in its stocks. Hopefully it’s as fun as it looks.
David Cage: “I cant be homophobic/racist because I have gay/black friends!”
I speaks volumes about his character though. He was presented with solid facts (and I’m sure one is how much money the states get in taxes), and he ignores them all because he has a complete blind hatred for weed. It’s not like religion where your belief system is in question, this is just about a plant and how it…
CBD doesn’t even get you high. Christ... Republicans would know that if they’d just do an hour of research on cannabis. Like, peruse Leafly.com for awhile, learn some shit.
Of course, it’s entirely too much to expect them to be informed on anything before they decide to oppose or allow it 🙄
Fuck this douchebag and fuck faith-based anti-abortion counseling centers. Motherfuckers aren’t bound by HIPAA (b/c they’re not real medical centers) but suck up state tax dollars without any accountability (fucking black holes- look into what happened when PA audited the state’s FACCs).
Pro-lifers are some of the least compassionate people there are. Women don’t get abortions in the final trimester because they don’t feel like being pregnant any more. A woman who has a late term abortion is having it because there is something wrong with the pregnancy - it’s either hazardous to her or the fetus.
I can’t believe they actually did the fake news awards thing. And it’s exactly as immature and childish sounding as I expected it would be. So embarrassing.
Isn’t it like 50/50 if he works or golfs on any given day anyway?
How about we shutdown most of the military?
Here’s Donald Trump this morning, telling a lie:
Bannon tried that too, the whole “I can manipulate Trump and steer him in the ‘right’ direction on key issues” thing. You can’t control Trump, can’t contain him, can’t even relate to him. He’s all id with no concept of doing something that’s not immediately self-serving. If he hasn’t already, John Kelly is about to…
“Arguments for a wall on the Mexican-U.S. border are ignorant at best...”
Anyone who actually cares about preventing movement over the border would be against building a physical wall. Even the border patrol don’t want it. They want more and better sensors, more man-power, and drones. A wall would be ridiculously ineffective and ridiculously expensive.
Even that is generous
Because Hypocrisy. A certain segment of society is built on it.