
A bowl of warm mashed potatoes could “play” Kushner

You didn’t make it to the end of the article, did you?

My guess it has something to do with preventing a government shutdown. Now, since the republicans hold both houses of congress and as well as the orange guy who will sign anything (according to what he said yesterday, was it?) they shouldn’t need any democratic votes to pass a funding bill.

Dolt 45’s base wouldn’t give a moist fart about him cheating on Melania. They’d be all “YEAH, HE FUCKED A PORNSTAR.! THAT’S A REAL MAN’S MAN!!!”

Probably should record future meetings - unfortunately, no trust!

Trumps supporters do not care that he’s a serial adulterer; there was already plenty of evidence that people chose to ignore on voting day. I can’t say I blame her at all for taking a payout.

The situation wouldn’t have existed if the police were trained to fire only after being fired upon, rather than to fire if they feel “scared.” There is no reason that we should be making any excuses for the officer that killed an unarmed man. Not even “Well, it was a false call.” The police should be held to a higher

Very evenly lays out her complaint, doesn’t get loud, leaves when asked. Yeah, totally not an unwarranted arrest. WTF?

Have to admit, I felt kinda proud to be Dutch here.

Holy Cow, how tone deaf does an administration have to be to send this guy to the Netherlands? Who wouldn’t have seen this coming?

It’s not targeting conservatives. It’s targeting misinformation, be it deliberate or incidental. The fact that conservative ‘news’ outlets are overflowing with more bullshit than a cattle ranch is hardly the fault of Google Analytics and Search Results doing their job....

That comment was above your reading comprehension level, huh.

This. What part of whipping out your dick and jerking off in front of an unsuspecting woman is “seduction”? This whole letter put a big dent in that whole “the French are skilled in the art of lovemaking” meme.

I’m not a “poor little thing” because I don’t want to be harassed. I’m not objecting to it because I’m not strong enough to endure it, I’m objecting to it because it’s bullshit that I shouldn’t have to be subjected to.

Ah, yes, the seductive call of the wolf-whistler whispering his “hey baby, nice tits” at the ladies who walk by and the subway Casanova pinching the goods as one would a melon being considered for purchase. Ah, such is love, such is seduction!

I think so too. Although,part of it is also that Abnousse Shalmani, one of the signatories, “has previously compared feminism to Stalinism.” So you know, part of it is also that some of these people are assholes.

What’s more romantic than watching your boss jerk off into a plant??? American women JUST DON’T GET IT!

Hmmmm. White Racism seems like a bit of a redundancy.

It existed. It happened under the Jim Crow laws. It still exists today. The remnants of Jim Crow and the reactionary policies still exist then why can’t folks talk about it?