Looking at the amount of people I know that are miserable in their relationship he might have it pretty good ...
Looking at the amount of people I know that are miserable in their relationship he might have it pretty good ...
So, here we go...
This actually looks pretty exciting, at least for someone who plays COD mainly for the single players stuff. Certainly more exciting than imagining myself in a frozen forest.
Agreed. I already play Fire Emblem with one hand.
An all FE smash spin-off could be kinda cool.
I don’t think it’s true that you should choose no permadeath if you reset upon character death. If permadeath is on and you’re not willing to lose characters, then the win condition for battles always includes having no characters die. This is an extra challenge. If you like that extra challenge, go for it.
Bayonetta is the biggest baddass in existence, who literally fucks gods up and destroys demons on a daily basis while embracing her sexuality. She knows she’s hot, and she works it, she’s proud of it. That is not objectification, that is sexual empowerment for women. She is the literal FURTHEST away from a sexist…
Although siblings or a family of “Links” does raise co-op and multiplay possibilities.
Great article.
We've been looking at Samus from Metroid or Jill from Resident Evil for how many years now, and they were far from complex to start. In the end, I think gamers are just looking for fun and unique gameplay, rather than the gender of the character they control.
November 21. That's the friday before Thanksgiving... I have the whole week of Thanksgiving off work for vacation and holiday... My god. I have ten whole days to play Smash.
I'll just wait for the Wii U version.
Ultimately, it's a portable game on a portable system. If you were expecting a console experience... well, you had the wrong idea going in.