Orion nebula!!!! That should be added.
Orion nebula!!!! That should be added.
Actually advances in adaptive optics are making ground based observing pretty much as awesome as space observing. Most testing for this is done at Lick unfortunately. As a graduate student who has access to a tinkering telescope (a little known 4m in Chile), this terrifies me. Space is not the final answer. Light…
Same here :(
Yeah its confusing. I just always remind myself that the only thing astronomers can use to study objects in the universe is light at various wavelengths. So really when we say that 'this galaxy is doing X right now', we mean that 'the light from this galaxy is doing X and it got to us right now'. Just have to insert a…
"Star formation tends to be proportionate to a galaxy’s mass."
Metals refer to any elements heavier than Hydrogen and Helium so you are right that it is weird that such a 'young' galaxy would have a high metal content. The point of the paper though is that in the early universe when galaxies started coalescing and forming stars, the Hydrogen and Helium get processed much more…
http://gofuckyourselftomhiddleston.tumblr.com/ Excuse the language, but this is the greatest Tom Hiddleston site ever!! So yummy!!
I was JUST going to comment on this. Where did the 90s go? He looks WAY better now than he did when I was in high school. rawr!
astrophysuxpunkin here. I'm a Ph.d Candidate in Astrophysics in Chapel Hizzle, NC. I can be described as cool, awesome, comic books.
Well they left out the entire Kuiper belt that Pluto resides in also. I guess asteroids are not as cool as the rocks that make up comets ;)
If you look closely, the bottom of the 2 is a lighter shade of red/orange than the rest. I think America's Wang got it.
Ang became a super hot and sexy Avatar!
Carl Sagan's COSMOS is the reason I'm in graduate school to earn my Ph.d in Astronomy RIGHT NOW!
Will you provide your own recaps of the comics? I would totally read that. I stopped watching after the first episode of Season 3, because I couldn't take it anymore.
You so win the internet today.
I can't. stop. watching. that. gif. Thanks a lot. ;)
I love you for that last sentence.
Oooooooh. That's yummy!
Increase speed, drop down and REVERSE DIRECTION!!