
Made a deal with Ganon himself.

horny menu simulator

Thanks for taking one for gamers everywhere.

You should probably check with Aaron but I’m pretty sure you can’t mention Tesla in an article without at least one jab at Elon/Tesla.

I love how the speech bubbles have the aim of Stormtroopers.

I’m just here to say Princess Maker and Long Live the Queen are good. Maybe enjoying being able to let your kid die awful deaths says more about my ability as a parent.


that’s a brutal markup. A typical 500 piece set would be $50 to $75. They should just sell the instruction. heh.
 Plus, if it’s Gearbox, it probably won’t include Cataclysm. Why no Cataclysm? :(

I play ranked on Magic the Gathering : Arena, which uses Standard format and most decks don’t even have a Planeswalker. My only deck involving them puts them all in the sideboard and pulls them in using Mastermind’s Acquisition if I need them.

As someone who starting playing way back before Planeswalkers were a card type, I’m still a little on the fence on how I feel about them. On the one hand, it’s got to be helpful to have a set of recurring characters to market the game around, and they do have a bit more charisma than say Urza, but as a card type, they

Based on the original Japanese poem upon which it is based, it might translate to “Fortuitous Harmony” or “Harmony of/through Good Fortune.

The Emperor of Japan has even less power than Queen Elizabeth, who still formally has the power to veto bills, create peerages, and prorogue Parliament, among other things. She’s also formally commander-in-chief of the military. Under the UK’s (unwritten) Constitution a lot of government power is exercised by

Haas F1, who uses a Dallara supplied chassis and Ferrari supplied engines, has a budget of $160MIL.

the Ferrari F1 team’s estimated annual budget was $470 million compared to a top team budget of $15 million in IndyCar

There is no place in the US where electric cars are more polluting, hybrids might win in some locations

The problem with Trolley Buses is a lack of flexibility and cost of setting up and maintaining all those wires. And the poles have ‘shoes’ that need to be replaced regularly as well.

There is no way China is using 300,000 battery powered buses. China regularly publishes this kind of crap and every time investors like myself get excited and dig into the data we find they are lying. Those kind of numbers would have had a noticeable demand on commodities I’m invested in and I haven’t seen that. If I

True story:

Electric trolley buses in Vancouver are incredibly green-friendly. No battery storage; no petrochemical fuel; and because BC’s electricity is hydro-generation, no coal is burned to make the electricity. There are 267 trolley buses in the fleet and they service all of metro Vancouver,