
Seriously. Not one mention of the use of “Starkiller” for the kid who reminds Han of Luke? I question the geek cred here...

The early Marvel Star Wars stories are great, and have been recently re-released in hard back. My favorite early panel is such a small thing, but it’s part of the issues retelling the movie. In one shot Darth Vader is just casually force floating a cup of coffee into his outreached hand. Ya know, how people with the

Worldwide Box Office loves nonsensical action movie explosions.

THR reports a fourth film in the xXx franchise is now in development with Vin Diesel and The H Collective.

I’d have to say “No”, if you’re at all critical about having some “science” in your science fiction, or if formulaic, predictable script writing annoys you. If you ask yourself, “who the hell would ever do that” when you see two people take a 3-minute interlude from saving their own lives, during a critical,

Came to the comments for Futurama Space Pope references. Was not disappointed.


You know Reptilians must take human form while on Human Earth.

You could say the same thing about Star Trek, Wagon Train etc - it’s traveling adventure where they have different guest stars and sets every week but it’s not serialized so they can be shown (and the scripts can be commissioned and produced) in any order. That’s not necessarily laziness.

That doesn’t look like any Crocidilus Pontifex to me.

how about a Sliders remake? I know it’s not vintage scoff, but damn that should not have gone off the rails as quick as it did. First 2 seasons were amazing then its just got bonkers.

Naw. It’s a helicopter with a bunch of lighted buttons, that’s it.

Avengers Babies

4vengers 4ssemble

Goku and Superman actually meeting would be the craziest cross over ever.

Superman vs. the Powerpuff Girls

This could work...

“Hey, guys, I could use some help. There’s this really strong, invulnerable guy who can fly and shoot lasers out of his eyes and I need help in stopping him.”

I am as big a Superman fanboy as they come, but shouldn’t He-Man and Co’s magic-based powers let them handily thrash Supes? (Though I’d have thought the same about Shazam)

AVENGERS 4: Avenge Us