That’s a damn good point. I stand corrected. That would be better.
That’s a damn good point. I stand corrected. That would be better.
I agree. But I think they would try to at least not completely disagree with each other unless they really have to, and then movie trumps TV obviously.
Eh. I do believe them that they are hard to line up schedule/script-wise. I think they would try to not completely contradict something seen on TV two seasons ago unless they really really have to.
Yes, like that. Obviously as some of their initial dismissal of Carol that she has to overcome.
I just hope that this movie does not totally mess with everything we already know about MCU Kree from AoS (and Inhumans). Seen a bit of them from GotG but we have seen a lot of Kree in AoS. Would be cool to have a Kasius cameo too.
Maybe she’s an Inhuman.
That makes sense as they are the “main” characters of MTG (as much as it has any).
Ol’ Nicol Bolas is still kicking around eh?
Cool thanks.
What’s Gwenpoole’s deal again?
Still one of the best panels in SW comics.
Yep, I am saying it’s just as bad as any other sitcom so really should be treated with the same level of “meh” as the rest of them. But it seems that TBBT gets an extra level of undue hate imo.
Meh. I’ll be the dissenting voice here and say I don’t mind The Big Bang Theory. My wife enjoys it and I find some of the comic book/sci-fi references it makes give me a chuckle even if my wife doesn’t get them without an explanation.
I like it. Probably much quicker than trying to do all those letters in her last name when she is signing stuff for her fans.
Agreed. They should make the showrunners of Marvels Agents of SHEILD the head of Marvel TV productions. Those guys understand what they are doing.
More Quake you say? I’m in.
Hah! I knew that looked familiar. Thanks for pointing it out.
Agent Carter and Obi-Wan Kenobi you say?
Liu Kang - he is supposed to be Chinese and a practicer of Shaolin Kung Fu. Wasn’t he originally just a Bruce Lee rip-off?