
They did say previously that you can ride fultoned objects back to base.

Say you, like many people, excitedly signed up for a recurring $4.99 a month payment to gain access to EA's new subscription service for the Xbox One, only to be underwhelmed by the meager early offerings.

Once you start saying "people are at fault" for not buying your product, it's over. You're donezo. It replaces the need for having a smartphone for browsing/movies/music, but it doesn't replace the need for having a smartphone for being a phone. Adult human beings have exactly one personal inventory slot for an

It looks very pretty and it looks like it'll probably be fun, but I'm a bit disappointed by how "generic third person shooter" it looks. Alan Wake was a breath of fresh air even down to how it played. It doesn't seem like the "pause time" powers (which have been done plenty of times in the past...they rarely work


Yeah, it's a chance to try games I wouldn't pay $20 for in the bargain bin. I'll probably subscribe later on when there's wider availability. I don't play sports games (but would if I were subscribed) and already own most of the EA titles on Xbox One that I would want to play.

Most people who oppose it do not know the complete details. Some think if you play a game on EA Access, then buy the disc later, you lose your saved files. That's not true. Basically when downloading a game from EA Access it is just like downloading a game digitally.

So you are saying because of EA Access that STEAM and PSNOW will get choked out of content?????

Really, so instead you suggest these companies to do the same thing instead of introducing a better product to compete with Steam and Ps NOW and just go out of business by losing in sells to the better product?
Do you know how competition works? Competition benefits the consumer. Things like this will keep the other

You're correct. In Japanese, it's pronounced Ji-bu-ree. So, Jib-lee is close enough. The "G" is certainly not hard.

"Gib - lee" is closer. :)

Finally! Someone with some sense around here. Good picks, all. Why are so many people spending so much time crying about girl Ghostbusters? Paul Feig is on board... don't you realize what a beautiful thing this could be?

margaret cho as peter Venkman
problem solved.

The prices are waaaaay too high for me to give this a shot. No one would be more interested in renting games than I, considering I grew up playing rented games left and right (back in ye olde days when practically every single department store you could think of had a video game rental section). But these prices are

Am I the only one who though about him?

If they include all their sports titles it will be incredible. To not have to pay $60/ year for annual installments of FIFA and Madden would be really nice.

I'm actually really surprised we don't have one already. After seeing that episode, I expected a roguelike to come along shortly after.

Well, that's a good sign for EA. A lot of times their games suck because they are rushed. If they are willing to delay something, I feel like there is a small chance they are serious about being a better company.

CoD, AC, and Evolve are cross platform, but aren't all 3 getting exclusive content? Definitely poorly worded, but also partially true.

Except you have to tell everyone how awesome your dog is and list all the reasons why your dog is so much better than whatever pet they have even though the person you're talking to couldn't give less of a fuck.