
What a waste of time and money.

“The game takes place 200 years before this. And do you know that Venice and Bohemia are pretty far apart in that day and age?”

Ya know what? Thank you for taking the time to wade into these comment sections for as long as you have. I appreciate your voice in these types of topics. I hope you are able to instill a fraction of your values on kotaku readers.

I tried to keep it vague because I’m still not 100% if there are other stipulations. Is there a time limit to how long those last?

Stumptown has the jist of it. Also know that Xbox 360 games are yours to keep, while Xbox one’s go away when your subscription to live expires.

He should take steps to prevent it then. Don’t forget violent tv and movies. Get to work, erode freedom of speech and expression to protect weaponry.

Seems to me like he himself wants to have it both ways. He wants the following. he wants the eyeballs. But he doesn’t want the responsibility of influence.

Yeah... those blue ones were. They weren’t long enough. The black one is “securomax” or something.

Toilet paper tubes work well for keeping random cables organized.

I’ve been gearing myself up to go through and clean my tv stand. It’s become a tradition with the goal of perfecting cable management over time. This year will be the first year I deal with snipping zip ties.

64% of my 360 collection is Backwards compatible. The most shocking omissions are the Crackdown games. There are plenty other that I would love to see backwards compatible, but I doubt will happen LA Noire, dead rising and Operation Darkness comes to mind.

: ( Poor Ratonhnhaké:ton.

No leaks! Remember, that’s how we know we’re a family.

I’ll be choosing between escapists 2, dark souls, and pubg. Xbox1

I’ve been having the urge to run through Metal Gear Solid.

PUBG and Dark Souls.

PUBG on Xbox one

It’s smarter than leaving it up to the community to decide the real reason why.

Nothing to benefit the end user. But for ISPs and wealthy internet based companies, they get a tremendous amount of power over you.