
Just an example for training: University of Arizona has a large medical school, but in order to get the football stadium expanded in 1974 a rider was put on the funding bill to prohibit the training of clinical abortions and to stop the university medical center from offering the service.

*sigh* I can’t even play FMK with these because I can’t actually decide if it’s Evans or Pine for the M option.

Fucking Belmont. That would be here in Charlottesville, land of non stop Thomas Jefferson worship. And perhaps I should not curse the Belmont neighbourhood as the best restaurant in town, Mas, is there.

I’m jumping ship to work at a place best known for looking for aliens, so you know if that’s your thing.... ;-)

Ah, greetings from Greenbelt (where I am for another week, then free!). I totes agree re: my directorate. And also the civil servants at my center. I do love that summer interns means the number of women double in my building, but I also wish our interns got to do more than just cool projects. Because I’m an early

And sadly our agency’s FFRDC (*cough*Pasadena*cough*) is more diverse than the center I’m at and others I’ve visited. Frustratingly my center has only hired men in my division in the 4 yrs I’ve been here and has prioritized earth sci (not my division) over everything.

Yet the NASA center I work for can’t freaking be bothered to have more the 15% women employed as civil servants in my science division. So I have feels when it comes to encouraging kids to continue when my workplace can’t even get their shit together enough to deal with the overabundance of white dudes in their

Oddly as a plus sized woman I absolutely want sleeveless, precisely because so many of the sleeves are too freaking tight for plus sized arms, and because cap sleeves cause me sensory issues such that I just want to rip that shit off.

Yeah, I mean, Discovery is the only ship with the tear drop off the cabin windows, so that is most certainly this ship. But again, Gap’s marketing might not get the lol worthiness of their branding + using a ship whose first flight was in 1984.

If that’s Discovery, the earliest launch date for that shuttle is 1984 not 1981. /annoying space pendant cuz it’s my job

Well he doesn’t have great contributions to his field, his publication record is worse than most grad students.

Good thing she won TED, because for the last 2 years NASA has not solicited grant proposals for Space Archeology which makes things a pain in the buttocks for people in that field (still gotta pay someone to go through images and/or LIDAR data to find the sites).

I somehow doubt her boss was put in jail for barratry as this article mentions multiple times. I mean, excessive litigation is bad and all, but different from battery.

Spousal unit was interviewing for job in Hawaii & moving dog was going to be easy: proof of two rabies vax, rabies titers done a few months in advance and paperwork done, plus an appt with Kona vet to view paperwork when we touched down was all that was needed for direct (immediate) release for Sir Flooflepoof. I

Replied to wrong post... moved it.

I was wondering for a hot moment if you were a planetary astronomer because this week is DPS, and then I scrolled down.

No the name difference is because there are two bakeries for Girl Scout cookies: ABC & Little Brownie Bakers. Girl Scout Councils pick which bakery they go with every few years, and in places like Delaware they’ve discovered that bakery choice influences sales. LBB is clearly the better bakery.

I did Blue Apron this summer during grant proposal season while I’m too busy to grocery shop and decide what to eat. I wound up cancelling because of the relative lack of customization: you can either get chicken + red meat + fish, or chicken + two veg or fish +two veg. And the two veg are always the first two, god

Well in the Earth Science building if you report it to the building manager and they kill it. So other emails about “I bought a snake stick and snake handling gloves, my office is unlocked, please just get those and take the snakes outside and don’t report them to the building manager.” go out on the building email

*high fives fellow NASA sufferer*