Girls can “hey” too.
Girls can “hey” too.
Originally read this as “Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie might be fucking Marion Cotillard” and I was like yaaaaas I ship it
Basically get this same email three times a week tbh
don’t know why you’re so down on the bird sanctuary
don’t know why you’re so down on the bird sanctuary
It looks like the prop WAS a real (antique?!) razor that they just covered up with duct tape, silver paper, and apparently cellophane for some reason, so I’m gonna go ahead and say the grownups here are dumb and bad.…
I actually got one of these by prescription from a physical therapist during some really bad back problems, and it absolutely helps. I’m not sure it’s going to have longterm benefits for every muscle-related problem, but it’s certainly soothing. And since so many back problems are made worse by holding tension and all…
I actually got one of these by prescription from a physical therapist during some really bad back problems, and it…
Also it sounds like some kind of sci-fi gun tbh
Also it sounds like some kind of sci-fi gun tbh
Yeah this thing is horrifying and beautiful
Yeah this thing is horrifying and beautiful
just curious shane what did you think of the food
just curious shane what did you think of the food
My parents have the cuisinart, and I can confirm that the carafe uses heat-trapping demon magic. But the Bodum is definitely the better coffee maker.
My parents have the cuisinart, and I can confirm that the carafe uses heat-trapping demon magic. But the Bodum is…
I did a bunch of hormonal things in college and then paragard and then mirena, and mirena has the least symptoms of all. Zero insertion pain (though that was prrooooobably because my body was so used to the larger paragard), only like two weeks of adjustment spotting, no weight gain, mild acne that cleared up two…
This is so stupid. My initial thoughts:
Nah, this is pretty easy for me to believe. She can’t do online dating because people would make it weird. Celebs, especially female ones, complain about this all the time, and I 100% believe it because even *I* can barely use dating apps without dudes finding my blog and tweeting at me while they message me and…
I made amaaaaazing pot roast. Cooking is kind of *my thing*, but I’ve been experimenting with crock pot witchery lately to even greater success than usual.
I’ve gotten these before and they’re definitely a great value, but I just wish they weren’t so *ugly*. That patent toe/dull leather upper/black elastic trim combo is just not for me.
I’ve gotten these before and they’re definitely a great value, but I just wish they weren’t so *ugly*. That patent…
They’re fairly flat, but they have enough arch support that some other brands feel totally unsupported to me in comparison. They’ve got kind of a nice, thick, squishy inside — more like a slipper than a super-well-supported shoe, but there’s support there.
They’re fairly flat, but they have enough arch support that some other brands feel totally unsupported to me in…
One of the few funerals I’ve ever been to was for the wife of my family’s long-time hair stylist. May sound trivial, but she worked the front desk at the place where I, my mom, my grandma, and my sister had been getting our haircuts for my entire life. By the time she died when I was 12, we all cared for her very…