A star for you and a star for Tony de Paola, illustrator of my third grade english AFL class.
A star for you and a star for Tony de Paola, illustrator of my third grade english AFL class.
Thelonius Monk, Ruby my Dear, during a frigid night in Quebec. It tricked me into thinking i liked jazz....
It’s a good flight if you are numb enough.cheers! 🍸
I think the fact is that one of them *is* and the other one *wants to be* is the definer.
Not just super old. On my first time i kept thinking that i had arrhythmia, but was too far gone to be able to count. It was hilarious/terrifying.
I met my best friend 30 years ago at that school. I met my two other friends there, too and the four of us are very close.
Thank you. Is it difficult to install?
I went to an all-girl catholic school through K-12 and i can confirm this....
I want one!!!can you recommend one?
On the front you have chicken mishkaki, and in the back, beef mishkaki.
Yoganerd, i have missed you!!
Sounds like my job.... (author’s editor/teacher here)
Same thing happened to me, but substitute with Chinese food.
A guy i dated and i used to go to dairy queen for ice cream cones. I was looking forward to the soggy ice cream-filled bottom, the best part. Invariably, the guy would snatch the piece from my hands and eat it and laugh. The sex did not make up for it.
It seems like, regardless of the situation, men have trouble understanding that no means no.
I envy your bangs. 1989 me tried them an ended up with a vertical wall of hair.
I am referring to them as Twiddles and no one can stop me!
Now I want to have you over for dinner...
Me too!