you do not know how life works
you do not know how life works
There are a bunch of services in my area (north bay ca) to help homeless, get them into housing and off the street. Especially for women. But there are thousands of homeless here. Why? Because they dont want to leave the streets. They want the freedom to do drugs all day, to have no restrictions or rules put on them.…
Normal people would give up and go through their own insurance and let them worry about it.
extremely overworked and underpaid
I’m not going to point to a singular cause for this as if there was one - but I can certainly say that from my general experience, our country (world?) has an abundance of people with weird violence fetishes where they have a “justified” opportunity to kill another person - and this is particularly prevalent among…
The Miami New Times reports that the morgue corpse fridge broke down. That took me less than 3 minutes to google.
Teenagers doing dumb shit with over the counter drugs is a phenomenon that predates Tik Tok
Say no more
only when there’s a president who will pardon me when i’m in a foul mood and decide to blast some civilians
It’s a job, not a divine calling that automatically makes someone a more virtuous person. If i wanted to kiss someone’s ass with a dangerous job it would be loggers (plus i could do the whole “dur hur hur you wouldn’t even have a place to live if it weren’t for lumber”)
And even insomuch as any crypto might be “legitimate”, Dogecoin was literally made as a joke.
is it unreasonable of me to expect this will policy will backfire because people’s lives are integrated with their cell phones or mobile device, and NOT their cars? they see an opportunity to reap short term subscrition based benefits for in car apps an decide to do this? maybe they need more MBA classes
BuT maH FreDDUmmbssS!!
I think they should all show up wearing Shakira masks.
It’s almost rusty enough for a certain ex-Jalopnik writer to want to take to Moab.
*Never* during the warranty period. After that? It is only a problem for the after market.
That is such a silly take. When offers like these are made, the employer isn’t looking to “make” anybody do anything.
maybe they take a long time to recharge. like a really long time.
Your key is hackable just via different means
Works quite well in my Tesla, the rest of the industry really should step into 2012, its awesome.