
wow you are so enlightened and brave

this guy tranq’s

we’re a net exporting country, why are we even replenishing it? What’s the difference between oil in the strategic oil reserve and oil that is sitting in the Permian Basin waiting to be pumped?

you don’t seem to have a great grasp on how things work

whatever you need to tell yourself to make yourself feel better Juan

no no no Scotty, you said that he was just the money.  he just gave those companies money and then sat back and watched them succeed.  He’s just the money guy, no strategy or direction comes from him at all.  He’s just a big dumb idiot with money and everyone on this site could totally do way better if they just had

if that is her, she was 16 when she posted that.  who cares.

holy shit, you mean the guy doesn’t do literally everything at a multi-billion dollar company that produces hundreds of thousands of cars a year? are you trying to tell me that chief executives actually make HIRING and STRATEGY decisions but don’t actually design, build, and market their products entirely themselves?

fill us in....what do you know about “setting up” companies?  teach us about your entrepreneurial expertise and explain exactly how these companies were on a path to succeed without him.  

between the price, the lack of a washing/interior detailing, and the “fuck the haters” window sticker, this screams crypto-bro

i think he means you should get a tattoo of the white ranger bro

i think the guy is an asshole, but it is truly comical how much people on this site try to convince themselves that he’s an idiot.  i don’t know why people try to make themselves feel better about their mediocrity by shitting on other peoples’ success.  it just makes you look like a loser.

though he didn’t even have the decency to sign his name to a notice that went out to all employees on Thursday.”

i’m so confused, i’m not a NASCAR guy so can someone explain to me how someone can go faster than everyone else if they’re simultaneously scraping along the wall?

yeah, guy has pretty much no idea how to build and run companies /s

I can’t think of any other company doing this, as investors don’t think in these terms”

“oh man i’m so glad this truck has ballistics glass because of all the war zones i drive through”

this was my first thought when i looked at the picture of the backseat a the upholstery.  this looks like a rental car

explain to me how he made his wealth largely via government contracts?