Astral Zenith

This is a completely ridiculous court case and verdict on every single level. Allow me to explain.

I think Shelter fits Neito’s own definition of what anime is. It is an animation, created in Japan, aired in Japan, and intended for a Japanese audience. Neito’s clarified requirement that it must also be funded in Japan is an overly technical application of semantics.

I was following the reddit post about these issues, and this article and the developer suggestions don’t make any sense. Chiefly, making back up save data is pointless. Countless people actually deleted all of their characters and reinstalled the game, but still got the invalid data warnings on startup with new

The reality is this kind of stuff happens all the time. In fact it used to be institutional. Remember the “olden days” of E3? So called “booth babes”, most dressed in far less than these girls, would be staffed at every single exhibit on the show floor. Then one year, E3 decided to disallow booth babes. Attendance

I’m not offended. I just think it’s sad that you would so quickly dismiss Stardew Valley after a superficial quick look, especially when your reasoning doesn’t make sense. I only questioned your credentials as a result of this. If you want to be taken seriously as an art director, I would expect you to realize the


Just because you have a degree in something, doesn’t mean you’re smart or skilled in the field. It’s just a “factor to be considered.” For example, you fail to realize that 99% of game developers implicitly allow and actively encourage the streaming of their games. This is because in today’s market, Twitch and YouTube

Ornstein and Smough give players more trouble in new game because of where they are located. Players aren’t likely to have leveled really high or optimized their equipment yet. But if you do them with good gear and a proper build, then they are actually pretty easy. And unlike Four Kings, they remain easy in new game+

Ornstein and Smough is far from the hardest boss fight. Four Kings, Kalameet, and Manus are all significantly harder.