Especially if you're stuck in coach.
Especially if you're stuck in coach.
Michael Collins is back and this time he's going to finish the job!
I wish that the recent wave of Oscar Bait films had been given a Spoiler Space. It would been cool to discuss interesting films like "Her" and "Wolf Of Wall Street" with AV Club posters instead of rubbish like this film.
They'll also ask if your text messages are in a relationship, single or complicated.
A wistful expression passes across NPH's face.
Yes and Theodore's job is one of the most thematically relevant ones that I can remember seeing in a film. He writes emotionally intimate letters for people who are happy to subcontract the emotional intimacy in their relationships. It speaks directly to the themes of emotional alienation that are central to the…
Exactly. I was skeptical of Samantha for the first half hour of the film. I was conscious that she was hanging onto Theodore's every word and she laughed at all of his lame jokes in a way that seemed phony to my ear. I was aware that Samantha was a piece of software that was programmed to accommodate his every whim…
The difference is that Sneakers has a good script and a genuine sense of fun. The Ocean's film has the lazy attitude that it's cast of stars should be enough for an entertaining film and they prove that it really is not. Plus there was a vague smug attitude running through those films that turned me off them.
But he's talking about Taken 2 this time and not the holocaust.
Robert Mitchum may be right him carrying a bottle of whiskey and a bag of weed.
I finally saw this film last year and I was surprised that a film with such a strong cast was so relatively obscure. But when I watched it I understood that it was a second tier film whose first two acts that were a dull slog. But I did feel that it improved in it's third act when the film dropped most of it's cast to…
But there seems to be a limited amount of story possibilities for the show. Will Rabbit show up again in Banshee or will he not seems to be the only one. If Hood's cover is blown things could be interesting. Maybe the show could follow Weeds example and relocate to a major city with more plot possibilities.
I'm kind of surprised to see The Rock do a TV show at this stage in his career. Although he did start as a wrestler so I guess that anything looks better than that.
Banshee is sadly not nearly as much compulsive trashy fun this season. The fact that the main story has nowhere to go this season is the main reason. The show has boxed itself in by been set in boring one horse town with repetitive and limited storylines. Also the toning down of the gratuitous sleazy nudity has not…
"We have to lose that sax solo!".
He had his shot and it didn't work out. After this film bombs his agent will sit him down and advise him that's it's time to face up to reality and sign up to a CBS show. Apparently Greta Gerwig is looking for a male lead on her new sitcom.
I thought that Crowe loved Darby O'Gill and hated Colin Farrell, hence his taking the piss Irish accent.
Maybe it's because he's a douche? I have no actual hard evidence to back up my assertion but he seems to gives the impression that he's extremely pleased with himself for no discernible reason. I call it Topher Grace Syndrome.