I'm kind of relived to read this because I got the impression from the trailer that Ruffalo was playing a hapless chump who was going to be constantly patronized by Jessie Eisenberg.
I'm kind of relived to read this because I got the impression from the trailer that Ruffalo was playing a hapless chump who was going to be constantly patronized by Jessie Eisenberg.
K-Pop without the implied pedophilla undertones!
Since we are now in the inappropriate dome how about the possibility of Saoirse Ronan playing the lead the Fifty Shades of Grey? Now this is admittedly complete speculation but Joe Wright will be directing and he likes to cast actress's that he's worked with in the past.
The CGI looks pretty crappy to me too.
I'm kind of bummed out that she's appearing in this kind of garbage after seeing her fine work in Parade's End. You think that she would have learned to stay clear of crappy slasher films after she appeared in that Silent Hill sequel.
The green light is actually the Aurora Borealis. At this time of year. At this time of day. In this part of the country. Localized entirely within Gatsby's kitchen.
As a Guy Pearce fan I was happy to see him in a big movie and he was great as a slimy son of a bitch. I liked his smug delivery of "I would have caught her" after Pepper's fake out death. Pierce is ridiculously talented but he has not really gotten his due as an actor so I hope that he gets a career boost from this…
It was also hilarious when Tony said something like, "So they offered to get you off the drugs" and Slattery replied "Oh no, they offered me much more!".
It turns out that a PG-13 rating is actually fireproof.
But that child is not an entitled billionaire. If comic book adaptions have thought us anything it's that vigilantism is a rich man's sport.
Sunshine and 28 Days Later had third act problems but his other films are OK in that department.
Good question Apathy Monger and I've no idea.
My, my, here come the fuzz.
I reconsider my sexist attitudes toward actress's whenever I see Anne Hathaway!
Plus I commend her many nude scenes. Compared to her prudish peer group Hathaway is a girl who does not have as any hang up's when it comes to stripping off. So she has that in her favour.
Yes. Oh Yes. Oh my god yessss……….
Angela Chase got off lightly, she had pretty big ears if memory serves.
It's Christmas specials are fun. Seth McFarlane plays a good psycho Santa Claus.
Carl Reiner and John Turturro and Rob Reiner were also good. I imagine that Brooks used his Dad's connections to score some of those guys.
Smith does have a good point. Django is a bit of a cypher who does not come into his own until the third act. In fact I'd say that Django is the fourth most interesting character in the film after Schultz, Stephen and Candy. It would have been nice to see Smiths take on the role but his criticism of the script holds…