
This series had a ton of potential that it consistently squandered. No slight is meant to Flanagan, the director, because the spectacle was almost always a delight. But Flanagan, the writer, and the rest of the writing team, didn’t deliver anything scary, and never seemed to really know what to do with the nature of

There were lines crossed here, but the principle that high-ranking members of the Trump administration should be confronted in public spaces by the people to whom they are accountable isn’t debatable. McConnell, along with the others, are creating and enforcing legislation that harms real people in remarkably direct

Misread this as Adam Devine and got excited. He is clearly the cuter Adam *evine!

Pretty sure here in Canada we’ve stopped putting them in women’s restrooms (mostly) and now most establishments will have a men’s washroom, a women’s washroom, and a “family” washroom. The family washroom is non-gendered, larger than ordinary restrooms (to accommodate strollers & wheelchairs), has a changing table,

Ontario elected Doug Ford, who immediately cancelled a basic income trial project, cancelled our Green Energy Act, rolled back the province’s sex ed curriculum to what it was in the 90s, eliminated emissions testing for our vehicles, and now is trying to repeal our Fair Workplace act (which, among other things,

Open relationships can be whatever you want them to be, as others have said below. There’s no rulebook for open relationships—it boils down to what the two (or more) people involved actually want. Some couples enjoy hearing the lurid details of each others’ exploits. It’s a turn-on for them. Other couples have a

all of which are “female and/or people of color and/or under 39.””

Can someone explain if she is going to be playing herself, Mischa Barton, or a fictional character on the reboot? Like, presumably the rest of the cast is all appearing as themselves, so is Mischa just their...friend or something? How does this all work???

I love John Boyega, but his character was poorly written in TLJ.

“one of the great story creatives”

I made another comment agreeing that the religiosity of the series will make it tough to adapt, but here is how you do a Narnia TV show right—

Starting with The Silver Chair is insanity. While it’s my personal favourite, not only is it a very cheap diatribe against atheism, it’s also the third least popular book in the series. (If memory serves, Horse and His Boy is the worst, and Prince Caspian is not much better.) As much as I really want to see SC adapted

I thought everyone got these all the time? It’s been a joke among my friends lately because the hazard alert pops up in Sunny and Cloudy weathers, making us look up at the sky suspiciously.

Human Nature/Family of Blood are required viewing. It doesn’t matter how much you do or don’t know about Who. That two-parter has got to be one of the best, if not THE best, stories the revival tells. 

Not a story about rape or assault, just about consent:

Entirely possible and I respect Harriot’s perspective. It’s some truly gallows-humor, if that is indeed the case. 

Cosby is a shitty person and I am happy that he will be doing time for his crimes.

I am almost positive X-Files is gone as of Oct 1 or 2.

Sure, there are some lines in the article that are maybe a little over-the-top.

I despise how people try to brush this shit off by playing the “I’m just a kindly old fool who doesn’t know what the kids are calling themselves these days!” card. Like, news flash, don’t grope a woman’s breast, and then in your (scant) apology try to make yourself look charming and harmless by mocking her name.