Pence is so damn generic looking. He looks like the stock photo of "Republican Politician" someone googled to put on a powerpoint.
An awful lot of shitty litigation in the US originates in the lack of good health insurance. When people sustain terrible injuries and have no way to pay their medical bills, they get a lawyer and sue the deepest pockets they can find, hoping for a settlement.
No, he’s going to veto a bill that would open up the US to all kinds of foreign lawsuits.
Have you read ‘the Terror’ by Dan Simmons? It’s about the Erebus and Terror. An amazing read. Also well researched. Highly recommend:
One of my top ten favorite books is about this ship. It’s called The Terror by Dan Simmons and omg did it mess me up for awhile. He’s AMAZING with historical fiction and he makes the whole thing so god damn creepy. Excuse me while I hole away for a day to re-read it.
Including the Met. Not really sure why many Americans on this thread seem to think they have the moral high ground on this one.
The fall of the Roman Empire is one of the central events in human history, and chances are good that at some point…
No, the class is an Intro to American History class that ends in 1865. I’m already covering the period from the Ice Age to 1865, I don’t also have time in one semester to address 1865 to the present. I don’t assign contemporary sources because I’m teaching a history class, not because they don’t exist. Jeez.
If Donald Trump wants to make the city streets safer, he and Dr. Carson should stay off of them.
This would be quite effective were it not for the fact that “women: you have to treat them like sh*t” is the subtext for the entire Republican party.
Trans girls aren't young men. And, if they're going through any hormonal changes, it's probably the same ones your daughter would be going through, because we have modern medicine now that does such things. So, how about you either take a chill pill, or have the decency to own your transphobia. Don't hide behind your…
Ted Cruz: Duck Hunt is, at least, phonetically accurate.
In May of this year, New York Times reporter Sarah Maslin Nir published a deep-dive investigation into exploitation,…
eh, it’s a shamrock
We don’t swim in your grave, please don’t die in our pool? (And sorry. I’m done with the dark humor.)
“Having a child doesn’t mean you have to stop living your life and limiting where you go...”
Actually, that’s exactly what it means. Having a child means changing your lifestyle significantly.