That light was overrated anyway.
That light was overrated anyway.
I wonder how far doing licensing deals with fans to sell their stuff and get paid for it goes. Though negotiations like that favor those that can get lawyers.
Hey it’s’s Jeff Gerstmann!
Or maybe you’re just an idiot
I want them to at least look meaningful. Cards with numbers are not meaningful. Especially when the rest of the game is not a card game.
Actually I’m being more benign than that. Overwatch opens up into figures with stands that you can rotate because it’s the best way to preview cosmetics, and it’s a thing you can use your mouse to rotate around and admire. But Battlefront all I get is a card that says I can do this now, with an icon to go with it, and…
I’m complaining about how these Battlefront boxes and the Need for Speed boxes open up into cards, not some kind of item. If I get a new gun why can’t I see the gun? If this is suppose to be a better engine where’s the engine?
And really these are the jankiest loot box. Overwatch had 3d models you could spin around. These are just pieces of digital cardboard.
Hey look Cirno!
I’d probably not be using a Keurig if I didn’t also melt the handles of two moka pots and smashed the bottom of the one french press I got. I mean I could use a bog standard coffee pot but I’m also the lone coffee drinker in the house.
That the creators also learn about this part of the history of their artstyle instead of ignoring it.
I think the free control of the board was really weird. Think it needed to control like Rocket League cars. rolling was confusing.
I had to look that chapter up, cause I also remember the entire series restarting at like 100 or something. I remember the ending with the gate, cause I saw that reboot anime as well. Come to think of it, I can’t remember reading the ending.
Grenade launchers need more shots to be useful. They only work for Junkrat and Demoman because you can spam them to choke an area. Or sticky them for denial. You aren’t going to hit with one shot like a rocket.
I remember those shows on cable, while Pokemon was on the lower teen channels that I figured were part of over the air broadcast, then moving to channel 5. So if your family didn’t happen to have cable there was probably no way to catch these other shows.
Well because before on one believed them, even after evidence was discovered.
Gonna have to check that. But they did see it as a problem like China did.
They need a lobby to push for a change for an old law no one is thinking about.
They did pass a law forcing transparency on them.
Eh you could wait for a good 75% deal and throw in the price of an average game you’d pay for in plat to cover the important things you might need. In game trading means there’s ways to make that money without spending cash for it. Most of my plat goes into inventory space.