Well, I mean convention locations are usually contract locked for a good period of time, so they can’t just up and move. And last I heard the only convention center next size up would be in Vegas.
Well, I mean convention locations are usually contract locked for a good period of time, so they can’t just up and move. And last I heard the only convention center next size up would be in Vegas.
They should have been capping attendance two years ago.
Part of that is the weeklies are pretty much magazines and get the good convenience store circulation. We are working off tanks that are more for collectors. We already have a dying print medium in all other fields already, trying to push manga into that same segment doesn’t sound sane.
They changed to Eventbrite for pickup so that sped things up, but population started growing quick as well.
For one AX is still a non-profit con, so it’s still not really a company that’s running the convention. Staff nearly all the way up are volunteer with minimal time dedicated to the convention. SPJA may only run this con, but I bet you you’ll see familiar faces running other cons in this area all year. This manner of…
On some level all manga always had a “free option” as long as bookstores had seats for people to sit at. Paper media is in a way dying across all formats. It might mean looking at what people will buy and attaching it to that. But there hasn’t been much room for experimentation.
It also depends on what they consider a good payment model. I remember there was a program a couple years ago that used a credits system to buy their stuff. And I don’t think the reading options were quite there either.
Okay I gotta go back and reread that, I did not pick up on it.
To be fair, we have better production value compared to Japan. Stronger paper, hardbound backing, brighter inks.
Didn’t like Centaurea’s medieval accent?
I still think it’s Japanese business reluctance that’s allowing or even requiring piracy to exist to their detriment rather than the pirates holding back business. Companies are the ones with the actual resources to move into these markets, and their reluctance due to piracy is an unsubstantiated fear.
I wish CR’s viewer was not flash based. The base image size is horrible and I don’t read that stuff full screened. Scan sites using plain jpgs let me just pick up whenever easily.
There is the issue of capital and capacity. Hollywood banks on that global market because they’ve made those connections and have the money to just throw at places like China with its rampant piracy to create a market. I still think it’s a business attitude that Japan lacks that exacerbates its foreign situation, but…
I’m tempted to buy this while it’s on the Steam Sale, but as EA I could also stand to just play through backlog until the next sale and see about a 1.0, though games at this point are pretty amorphous at any point in time.
Summer is an obvious call when hosting conventions for those still in school, you are not going to justify missing a Friday during the school year for a good number of parents. I’m going to also assume a lot of these centers are used many other times of the year for conferences and other business events that make use…
*any person in costume attending a convention* Anime Expo is this weekend as well and that floods LACC with a bevy of all kinds of costumes. In 90 degree weather. That are probably highly impractical.
I’m still trying to intuit the way this new combat worked. The old one was like some kind of beat mania game. Combo up, dump, other button occasionally. This one seems to be an energy dump, with filler in with whatever your primary’s basic attack is. I need to get into a dungeon to really get the feel of things.
They have different weight.
Gotta love those big fluffy paws.
Yea I really feel the turn animation is a few frames too long.