
I was just thinking about Sambomaster yesterday. Remembering all the old Jrock I used to listen to. From anime.

Woah, Touhou. Yay.

So was it just a Green Card for marriage, not citizenship?

It very much has the feel of the lumping of Inuyasha with the episodic ness of Urusei Yatsura. But it is two straight played main characters, which is a pretty bad dynamic. I enjoyed reading it cause there’s still a bit of charm in this setup, but it really isn’t dynamic enough on it’s own.

SoCal best Cal

One thing I got the hang of was just cycling my damaged weapons with my enemies’ at the right time. If I got a hard knock off I would throw my current weapon that might shatter in their face while running for the one they dropped. Using lighting arrows to force drops. Saving the elemental ones for specific weaknesses.

Of course didn’t ZeRo get 49th or something that day? I missed the finals stream and caught the team battle at the end.

I remember watching a random anime podcast and the guy off the cuff blames Obama. Found out they were in Florida.

The entire game is that question.

Yea but I can melee those down. Not going to get in the air for one of those. flyers.

The flying fuckers.

There is a range of opinion that respectable that does not include this.

I mean the last two AI attempts learning from the internet went that direction, so the odds are in favor.

Gonna be more Breath of the Wild while trying not to just go objective hunting.

I wonder if anyone got the flying ones with one of these.

She’s a card

Also going to spend a few hours getting the 23 targets needed for the Knight’s saddle, because I got the girdle and it needs to be a set.

Mohawk with the elaborate set is so fancy.

And I’m just riding around with the Giant Horse I named Big John because of that damn movie and even without that big top speed that big body and strength means I’m barreling through everything I’m coming across. Saves weapon durability and hunts at the same time.

And I’m just having the problem of arguing with some internet white boy that BLM is not a terrorist organization.