
When porn artists get a day job.

When fruit hangs that low, ya gotta just pick it.

These do, too. They are partially management sims as well.

Why Harvest Moon and Sims games are things.

I would think it’s in it’s released state now.

I will say the prevalence of fan service elements has grown to a level that makes it hard to recommend a show for it’s main plot if these side plots keep showing up. What anime doesn’t need more are limiting factors to its appeal.

I’m a big slice of life fan which is one reason I liked this author’s works.

I’ve only stuck to Yuri! On Ice because it’s the most entertaining, with Kaiju Girls and Nyambo because as shorts they’re small investments. Course, that’s all on the side with all the games I bought. Hard to play Titanfall 2 and watch anime at the same time.

A second opinion stated they’re really just adapting the series chapter by chapter, which makes it really slow in comparison. Also yea I don’t remember a great big point of the series in it’s early parts.

And on the other hand, the rec room has this old school microwave.

Well it is a continuation of those light blue pentagons, so I was in for more of that.

Nah we don’t.

Though part of my conceit is I kinda do want to see more of the story, and that DLC is that story being pushed on.

There are some snazzy coats in that game.

I think until this 1.4 patch Destiny just had the better shooting. I can make the same comparison with Warframe, but Destiny just has the more enjoyable run about gameplay. With 1.4 Division’s gameplay feels better, but now I also would need to drop for the DLC content I missed on release.

Gonna guess suppression of some sort, and I think a wall climb.

Now I feel pitiful cause my in game wife was a custom npc. I had a few going on at that time. One nice one was Cirdawen*, custom mage partner with better ai. I had a custom race, light sabers, etc going on at that time. So yea, find a custom wife. Course, that just sticks in plain npc motivations, and she was nice,

Ah I only got in during TTK so never crossed my mind.

A brief shot of his inventory shows a purple, so the model looks like an Ill Will.