
I’d love to have seen a stream. Caught the main stream that day.

You have a point.

Must add this

Now to see when twitch will play this.

I’m in Thunderbolt Fantasy because that style with that plot is damn nice.

Hey there ANN!

ALA is in January, there’s a handful of other conventions during the fall. None this grand but these you really just have to plan for.

Man Conan’s visit was really nice.

I bought in on those headphones. Their retail price really puts it over what they offer. I bought in as a backer which got me them for 80 which I guess feels better. I don’t make good use of them. Too heavy for showing off at a con, and I already have a headset for my computer.

I think she can still make Shutdown POTG’s.

I can respect that.

There has to be a way to get these boys to stop being so thirsty.

That art is freaking adorkable.

All that Monster Hunter!

I guess the core is people are not that unique creatively and anything made will bear resemblance to something that someone else created.

Ah I got a POTG suicide by those very same platforms, but I didn’t record it properly. Framerate was skippy.

I’m pretty sure Ingress had these same issues

I think my only flops are MN9 which delivered sub par, and that FFT game that went to a multiplayer F2P thing and is still unknown right now. Castle story got a bunch of flak but I see their progress happening. Otherwise got stuff from my other KS. OH yea Auditorium 2 is still MiA.

Meh Bleach went on long enough.