
Well also know you are buying into a Blizzard product, which has yet to really screw up one of their games. Not like The Division.

During the Agent’s Rising tournament that one Mei got all 12 votes. I think Mei was the PotG that round as well.

No, I think the Buy to play model was the right call. It has that luxury because of the blizzard name, but part of the game balance is keeping all players on the same page. If a new hero came out that can counter this other hero, players without that hero are at a disadvantage. A skin shop would only work if there was

You know, letting us know about it when we would probably not watch the credits is a nice thing.

Well he also carries around his PotC costume and visits hospitals on trips just because.

Gamergate. Everything around gamergate.

All the healing Ults are suppose to be hard counter to teamkills. Else the team that does the first teamkill wins.

I’m surprised a “Fine too” version isn’t here.

Brian isn’t going to out right post those shots here.

I could probably also add, learning about it now, is this is a Blizzard game, and Blizzard has a great track record of maintaining and adding to their games. I bought The Division for 40 because from what I saw it felt good at that price, but now the game is a hot mess and I don’t feel like I really spent that money

It does its one thing REALLY DAMN FUCKING WELL.

I think around that time I caught Akihabara@deep which was in that line of zany geek stuff. Other than that I watched the Nodame LA because I loved the series and it was just as crazy.

That show was one of the best Jdramas I’ve caught.

HotS sounds like it’s a much lower time investment than anything League and Dota do, so people are going to be much less stressed here.

Curse you poor google search terms.

I feel like I want some kind of rave glowstick simulator. Give us virtual glowsticks tied to strings to spin around.

Well specifically they’re the Goron Gauntlets from OoT that lets Link pick up heavy things.

It’s a League of Legends thing. Her E ability is a teleport to target enemy, and resets if the skill kills an enemy, not on any kill.

Did not know about that second part. Thought it was just something like Katarina’s E.

Well it’s more control point that have defensive turrets than lane sitting with trotting minions. It’s also not pure team deathmatch. But it does have locked unique characters that level through the match.