Well you also have to consider prosecution procedures in both countries as well. Japan isn’t known to be that open with their information either.
Well you also have to consider prosecution procedures in both countries as well. Japan isn’t known to be that open with their information either.
Honestly for GITS to be a good game it has to be Deus Ex.
Well I also need to remember to play that game. Backed it, played it early, was okay, should try out some of the updates.
I should visit Knotts someday again. It’s so freaking close. And cheaper than Disney. Goddamn Disney.
Because porn, right?
Because the things that create this divide you so seemingly acknowledge is a purely mental aspect created by society. Mental restrictions are not hard restrictions; change a mind and you suddenly open up complete fields to whomever whats in.
Ah, I did not figure out the Railroad until recently, but right now I’m wasting time making friends with Strong, and he doesn’t sound like a great companion for story stuff. So I’m doing the random Settlement stuff for it. So I’m also geared pretty well. But that Ballistic stuff would easily add 70% more armor to me.
I should do that. My current problem is I acciendtly named a few things trying to quit the menu and now have to guess which slot it was in. But I also have a Cha set I use for times when I see a conversation showing up.
But the internet culture that defined the word was, so you can’t just separate that here.
To be fair, “Trap” still is in a sense a derogatory term, at best it’s a fetishization of a group of people. There’s a normalization usage in games like this that people don’t want happening.
Well also consider SOP for Japanese PR is being cagey as fuck.
I think between the new economics of distribution, projections of the loss without localizing, costs of localizing and voice-over, makes the game a hard enough sell. Controversy could just be a topping on that.
I think I’ll have to hunt for Ramen tomorrow. My locality is mostly Pho.
Most of the problem is just Google having to find a way to comply with the copyright DMCA requirements only it has to deal with in the scale it exists as.
Friend lamented the same thing.
Yes, lets move to another video site, that sports fewer features and less traffic for our monetary means because Youtube has some weird things going on. That is totally financially feasible for everyone involved.
I can say I did get a bit creeped in one of the more disused vaults, even when it was crawling with just normal enemies.
And I’m here staring at my “The Last Word” quest and wondering how the hell am I completing this.
Well it also would have helped to have said that outright.