
Channeling that Magic Knight Rayearth.

You know what, now I’m glad they didn’t custom voice most of League’s skins. Arcade Sona got new sounds, Pop Star Ahri just had the new port music.

I feel like I have enough Chinese to get what they’re saying, since it seems to be Mandarin from the quick look I saw.

When you start walking around with 40 insight.

So what tags does he read?

I already have Dovabear.

Skyrim already did this.

God my Cities Skylines city is such shit. My town is too smart for the bunches of farms I made, and the road layout is all over the place.

Fuck yea Emma.

Subs> Dubs

FYI All gawker URL's contain the original title and are locked into it unless they completely delete the page.

Call me when the BBC reports on it first.

I think there’s already an in game timetable that could work.

I stopped when they hit the school part.

That explains the run back I saw.

I think we need less use of "Perfect" in these titles.

Yay for some Sakuya.

Meh, DoW needs a Sister of Battle captain.

Is Sims 4 worth it now?

Is Sims 4 worth it now?

Now what gave that away?