
It is very FF in it's plot. So you need to like FF storytelling to get by.

Couple hundred bucks gets you one.

honestly shave the hair, 3d print the extensions, use some molding to stick the two, some pain, and it's good to go.

Man, I wish more things were brought over.

I feel like this is going to be a day one kitbash.

I overmodded my game and it will have very periodic crashes. Course the problem is now my nice save with all the completion can't run without all these mods included. I could start over, clean install, whole new game, ease in mods. Or just quicksave more often.

Sex can get really icky for some people.

At one time the unwanted pizza delivery was the goal. Crank calls, watching people act dumbfounded. But like all things in repetition someone had to step it up a notch.

Oh man I need to find me a group for all these Japanese themed PnP's.

Version does not exist, may end up changing story when said scenes are removed.

Nah, the point is to look like a character and act it up. Making your own is just a tier up from entry level store bought stuff.

Well they could add a higher ante.

Heh the new nav system bothered my friend because now everything was the same size.

I just want to beat my Amiibo 1v1, no items, omega stage.

I spent 100 bucks so I could crossplay with a few friends. Costume itself wasn't too special, and I definately don't pull it off as well as my friends. But it makes cons a bit more interesting.

So what you're saying, is we should all be stockholders?

Original character in Dota was based off of Lina Inverse from the Slayers anime. Obviously it's a copyright so they couldn't have the character refer to her directly.

So that's how they got around the Lina Inverse thing. Hah.

My piano practice was brute force playing. I did a lot of restart from the beginning if I messed up bad enough. I memorized songs more as a sequence rather than a song as a whole, so I would not be able to continue where I left off in recitals.

Well yea, and for what the hell I know I haven't played Gin, but it's a waiting game for certain sets of tiles. This is exacerbated by what other players discard. It's a game of playing the odds as tiles show up.