
“I’ve definitely written “It’s been a pleasure having you in class” on student papers/exams before. I write that because they were a pleasure to have in class.”

I just wish I had a real office with a door. Maybe then I could worry about when it was appropriate to have it open or closed.

Severity of the crime shouldn’t really have anything to do with it. 12-year-olds simply do not have the capacity to think through the consequences of their actions like adults do. Doesn’t really matter what happened.

Don’t forget about “marriage is for making babies, and gay people can’t do that.”

Principled Rebublicans, eh? I’ve heard tell that they exist, though when you think you’ve spotted one it usually turns out to be a regular Republican.

I hate to say it, but these sting operations do sound like bullshit. They contact the guy and set him up with all these fake tools that he couldn’t possibly get by himself. How likely does it seem that whenever his enthusiasm for the operation starts to flag they give him a little pep talk to keep him going.

“What exactly is wrong with a union going on strike to get a fair contract?”

Sadly, I would guess that 50% of white people in the U.S. could not tell you what “Jim Crow” means. It’s why so many dumbasses think everything’s been fine since 1863.

I wonder what the business model is. Are they paying the same licensing fees the other streaming services do? I guess Kanopy is dedicated to doing this for libraries - are they a non-profit?

Considering the claustrophobia-inducing design I always figured these would be more useful for shipping. But then, what do we really need to ship at 500 mph.

Wasn’t Trump’s campaign pitch just a different kind of class warfare, anyway? In his world, it’s a very specific part of the upper-middle that is the enemy, people who are culturally “elite.” The capitalists at the top are the heroes, allegedly because they make jobs for the proletariat. The proletariat were

If you are disappointed in their lack of solicitude while your husband was in the hospital, it would be perfectly fine to just interact with them as little as possible from here on out. No need to explain, just do less.

Think about how absurd this is. Priebus is sacked because Scaramucci thinks he’s a little bitch. Now Scaramucci is sacked because Kelly thinks he’s a liability. Maybe the next idiot Trump interviews for communications director will say “I’ll do it, but I don’t like Kelly” and they’ll keep ping-ponging back and

Yeah, they met at the hedge fund and both dumped their first spouses. She probably does suck as much as he does.

“now they’re worse than guilty.” 

Honestly, considering that the client was callous enough to buy a mail-order rabbit and ship it on a commercial airline I wouldn’t be surprised if they just declined to take the carcass off of United’s hands in the first place. It is otherwise pretty unexplainable as to why United still had it. Breeder and client

I don’t have a hard time ignoring these links because they are so transparent and stupid.

As far as I can tell they took a list of all the male musicians they could think of and then picked the worst (or most trolly) album of each. Nobody has more than one album on the list which makes no sense.

Meh, I’d say they look equally stupid and schlubby overall but Farenthold’s muuch uglier in the face. The Donald could never have hosted his reality show with that gap-toothed pie face.