I feel my lunch make its presence known at the bottom of my esophagus, at which point I truly, fully panicked. “Don’t hurl!” I say to myself. My friend seemed to know what was going to happen...
I feel my lunch make its presence known at the bottom of my esophagus, at which point I truly, fully panicked. “Don’t hurl!” I say to myself. My friend seemed to know what was going to happen...
It’s the combination of the grumbling as he does the shoving (“stupid assholes, let me get to my spot”) and then the shift to pride over nothing that really makes it.
Yeah, this is why I still buy DVDs and do DVD trading. Acquire disk, rip it, watch on Plex or on my phone.
“This is the true litmus test for his hillbilly supporters. If the morons buy this excuse, they will believe anything.”
You read the cards and then you makes some bars,
My name is Asti and I’m here to say
I was under the impression that crates are the safest way to protect your dog in the car - they seem way safer than these harnesses. Weird that the author claims they are “mostly for bigger dogs” - that’s just not true.
Tig’s career is big enough now that it is kind of hard to believe that the whole SNL staff (of professional comedy writers, producers, and actors) was unaware of this short film.
All of this raises a pretty basic nuts-and-bolts question about Airbnb, incidentally. How close to “check-in time” can a host cancel? Who would want to drive hours to a destination and then find out, surprise!, you have nowhere to stay.
Exactly, there is no “other side to the story” that could possibly justify the part that we did see. And we know that Airbnb agreed, since they banned Tami and gave this person a refund.
Well, that person is somewhat full of shit. Unit 1 (with the backyard) sold for $1,328,000 in ‘15, and the location is hardly “drug/gun infested” and not particularly “cool” - as BK continues to gentrify crime is super low, including on Pacific St.
Well, to be fair, a letter sent through the mail system with your name on it is hardly airtight evidence. What’s more likely, that she was dumb enough to put all this down on paper and mail it to a city agency, or that somebody decided to make it look like she did? Seeing as it is Staten Island I’ll go with 50-50…
Well, I do agree with the argument, that the tweet itself is fairly anodyne and not even in the top 100 of his lifetime worst. (Not really worth the thought experiment of pretending it was written by a non-asshole, since the words themselves are objectively not awful.)
“How can he have gone through his entire privileged life without figuring out how good a properly cooked filet just lightly salted and peppered tastes?”
Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be the case. Look at all the evidence we had *before* the election that the man was an idiot (like, say, all of the completely vacuous promises at the rallies, or his debate performance) and a lot of people still voted for him.
Don’t you know? Whatever the cop THINKS is happening is what IS happening. Cop THINKS his life is in danger? He can waste whoever he wants. Cop THINKS a crime is happening? He can treat people like shit.
Also reminds me of the conservatives who argued that banning same-sex marriage treated everyone equally, in that both straight people and gay people were allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex and disallowed from marrying the same sex. See? Everyone is being treated *exactly the same*!
Yeah, Juno works*, and an Uber driver actually turned me on to it.
When I went to vote in Brooklyn there was a guy in front of me in line who was acting exactly like this. Overweight retired white guy, kept shooting me looks like “can you BELIEVE this shit?” and when it was his turn he wasn’t on the voter rolls. I had to wait a couple of extra minutes while the extremely helpful…
Yeah, for some reason people don’t understand that unions are not some undifferentiated force for good. Unions that represent professions full of incredibly shitty people tend to act shitty.