
Does anyone give a flying !%# what it was made on? Of course not.

you think sprint is getting a Nexus Prime? Not likely.

Worse than that, at big companies, they'll just shut down entire divisions without any effort to retain the good talent.

I think he usurped Steve Jobs by virtue of the "not being petty" part. As Android became more and more relevant, and eventually took over #1, Jobs got more and more defensive.

with one engine, no less.

Public schools need to go Montessori. Group kids by where they're at, rather than what age they are.

Allowing Katy Perry on the show might have gone a long way towards getting away from that goal.

Well, it's either that or apple sues you for their apparent patent on the rectangle.

By all accounts, you're an intelligent man thus you should get an Android.

Most people will think they already cancelled when they, uh, cancelled.

with physical access, yeah, it's not that challenging on any system, but this is an order of magnitude simpler than Windows or Linux - even a mac user could pull this off.

even *that* is fairly easily circumvented if they have physical access to the case.

oldest, stupidest argument in the book.

Not unlike many one-sided religious people... Always drives me nuts that anything bad that happens either 'just happens' or is attributed to bad people, but anything good that happens gets attributed to a higher power.

Yeah, but that's what "Car Mode" is for. Gives me that easy-to-hit button when i need it, but more reasonable sizing the rest of the time.

that's weird, i got no commercial. (thankfully)

any noises are easily taken care of. Oddly, the most recent update to my Atrix lets one disable the obnoxious click noise, but even if it didn't, someone technically savvy enough to do this could quite easily root it and shut it up.

it's a good thing apple doesn't make TVs... They'd be suing everyone. "As you can see, the overall design is almost exactly the same. It's a large LCD panel with a bezel around it, just like OUR product."

So, uh, couldn't Apple's entire argument be negated if Google simply granted consent? I'd have to think they would in this case.

I think they're avoiding suing google for two reasons - first, the money in it isn't very good. HTC, Moto, etc, all pull in revenues on their products. As far as we know, Google doesn't make a dime directly on anyone else selling android phones. They make a lot on ads, but i bet getting damages out of their ad