
Easy, Apple is a poor sport.

horrid - They'd never be able to solve random problems without going through the app approval process & requisite wait.

*cannot unsee* :(

I seriously hope so. Win7 is fantastic on traditional PCs.

Clearly not. Grow a pair and stand up for some principle =p

1 MB, i think

Yep.. I keep telling people "Instagram doesn't make your lousy photo suddenly good. And it makes your good photos suddenly bad".

the packers didn't exist then. =p

Don't forget the things that have ridiculous amounts of prior art.

BS. The RAZR was a grid of icons to launch applications, rudimentary as they may have been. Windows 3 with it's program groups had a grid of icons. MacOS had a grid of icons.

Headline writing fail. "Comes to Android", and then the article immediately says it already existed last year.

No, he's both brassy and crazy.

Man, I had the best time in France. I found if you say hello in french and ask if they speak english, they're quite friendly. They are rude if you just barge in like a jackass american and expect them to speak english. Rightfully so.

Because clowns like Giz feel the need to point it out /every/ time. It's a complete marketing gimmick from a marketing company. There's no reason they need to take it down.

There's no excuse for *ever* taking the store down. It's a gimmick, and a lousy one at that.

A *lot* more feasible now than in the 70s.

I still don't understand why the most basic issue here doesn't seem to be addressed - maybe EU is different, but the amount of prior art on a rectangular tablet computing device is huge. There were windows tablets like this years before apple thought about it.

what's the last phone you used blur on?

except for the proper word "you're".