
Right, but by that logic, if i keep my phone after my contract term, the monthly rates should drop. Try asking your carrier for that. :)

I use text and data far more than voice, yet I'm forced to buy a 450 minute voice package.. I used to have a 150 minute package, but they quit offering that. When minimums go up, so do a lot of bills.

I don't mind DEN or ORD at all. Atlanta & Miami are the two worst airports i've ever set foot in.

Lots and lots and lots - Major leaps forward for computing, *tons* in materials science - insulation, weight reduction, lube, filtration, power storage and efficiencies, structural design, digital signal processing..

well, that paragraph is mostly true. It just needs an extra "useful" interjected. We do all kinds of crap for no apparent reason

Ah, that makes me giddy with joy.

i hibernate my 7 desktop and laptop all the time; it works perfectly.

things take time in a big company..

You can also root and enable the setting on most phones if you so desire... the checkbox doesn't show up, but it is basically like checking it

Yes, this article is about AT&T phones, which can't. Everyone else can.

Smithsonian, actually.

Wild guess, but I suspect the horizontal tail that feathers up to vertical acts as a stabilizer as it falls.

Man, he went all out on that ipad UI. "I know! I'll make it a gigantic version of the iphone UI, which is already a brain-dead grid of icons."

I thought their computers didn't let them make mistakes.

as in, specifically choosing to disregard it?

You, sir, should be a marketing professional.

isn't that all of the news channels?

The best way to deal with a tank is to use a tank killer.

While i think this whole thing is blown WAY out of proportion to the actual impact, I also don't buy for a second that it was a 'bug' on Apple's part.

They still look better than those ridiculous clown glasses that inexplicably have been popular for a while now: