
buying a phone for what it might do in the future is a fairly ridiculous way to shop. Buy it for what it is... anything you get later is gravy.

As someone who has been priced out of events by scalpers who never had any intention of going, F you. :)

#nitpick One need not use the word "dollars" when one uses the $.

Out of everything built in the US, the camry has the most domestic parts content at 80%. The most American of American cars - the mustang and camaro are around 65%.

Not in Chicago. 5 min tops.

That was far, far more impressive and enjoyable than anything (except skimpy outfits) on Dancing with the Stars.

All the mainstream places reported at least the B-2:

Does that mean that every other Giz article won't be about the ipad anymore? If so, yay!

My CU accidentally made money last year from good investments and the like. So, they gave $1.4M back to members as a special disbursement right before christmas. Love CUs

How is extinction political?

What's kind of cool is that in a few months, there will be better, faster, cheaper, and improved versions of Android tablets out.. And there will still be the same ipad2 - basically a giant iphone... OOOH, it has a side scrolling grid of apps. neat!

Right, but if there's an unknown security exploit that some evil developer finds, that's no different than this, and I don't see why it couldn't just lay dormant until it's in the market.

it DOES work out of the box, as 3G, just as they advertise. I can't believe all the ridiculous negativity towards a hardware upgrade that vastly enhances the device, and with no charges to you, merely a few days to do so. it sure beats buying another device.

Uh, it's perfectly complete.. this is a substantial hardware upgrade.

thirded. The processors aren't anything special (they are cool, but hardly unique to apple). LightPeek is interesting, but completely pointless for the next year or so until there's actually industry support.

Yes, yes it is. Being rooted makes the few AT&T stupid modifications a moot point.

Uh, clearly it's the Qualcomm chip, notwithstanding traditional argument over "what's 4G?"

We're poor enough at driving in 2 dimensions. 3 would be, erm, a train wreck.

Your iphone promoting agenda has been clear for some time, but this is just ridiculous.

you're thinking radius. Think diameter.. :)