There ain’t much worse than finding out you’re related to some crazy racist republican who’s famous.
There ain’t much worse than finding out you’re related to some crazy racist republican who’s famous.
There's no good to come from killing someone, no matter the offense. This eye for an eye BS is barbaric. I'm still dumbfounded they actually had the nerve to call him a killer, despite not hurting anyone. This is backwards, naked bloodlust in my eye. The justice system is super broken in that state. Unreal...
This is why I’m against the death penalty. In order to be okay with the death penalty you have to accept the possibility of executing an innocent person and I just can’t do it. Don’t get me wrong, on an individual basis I’m somewhat okay with it in theory. For example, I could push the plunger on Dylan Roof my damn…
When I was a baby lawyer, I worked on my firm’s pro bono case involving the appeal of a Mississippi man in very similar circumstances. The even more frustrating thing with our client was that the actual shooter had made a deal and flipped on the rest of the guys so he got life in prison not the death penalty. Juries…
Funny how “smart” people start acting dumb when you ask them good/relevant questions.
So I guess we’re giving Bloomberg a pass on his whole “The 2008 financial crisis was caused by Black people buying houses they couldn’t afford”.
I had a bad feeling about the jackass from the moment he threw his hat in the ring, then he opened his mouth and confirmed that feeling. He's a Log Cabin Republican and needs to stop pretending he is anything but. I'm also fed the fuck up with his supporters crying homophobia any time he is criticized for his trash…
And women have to toughen up in the absence of “men” and around no-good “men”.
Thank You for this reply. Thank You!
Christ, thank you, Roo.
Black women don’t want to be bothered with this fool, and his white wife won’t be bothered with him after his money runs out.
It’s not uncommon with a lot of Black athletes who were raised by single mothers (not blaming Mom for that).
I’m trying to imagine what the heck was going through his brain when typing this tweet.
Yeah, I’m puzzled by the anger. they always seem mad that about NOT dating within their race. A lot of guys who think like this seem to be under the impression that Black women are hella mad about that. (That’s some 90s sh*t. We grown now.) What we’re mad about is men, who justify dating outside their race, by denigrat…
I think it’s funny seeing him referred to as an “NBA Star”
I don’t get the anger. If you want to date someone from another race that’s your right.
Lookin like a burnt baby eagle.
He went to school in West Virginia. I don’t know which is worse, but it explains pretty much the whole story.
I assume a bulldog gave birth to him? I assume a bulldog fed him, clothed him, drove his sorry ass to practice, helped him put lotion on his ashy legs after practice? I mean does this punk know he is talking about the very person responsible for his being alive? So sick of these frauds. Oh the most popular NBA players…