Alan S

Sorry to hear that, but I definitely sympathize. Got my wife a Pacifica with AWD (thought it was a good idea as she’s in real estate and drives all over the place) and it’s been nothing but a hassle. All the hours I haven’t spent working on my car have been easily outweighed by the extra ones spent on hers. And just

Interesting. My daily driver is an ‘05 SXT (Not AWD, though), and it’s one of my favorite cars I’ve ever owned. The sunroof doesn’t make noise or leak, and I’ve really only had to repair one thing other than brakes in six years - an EGR valve that cost about $30 and took a couple of hours (I also replaced the plugs

An outside observer would pick my ‘68 VW Squareback, which someone had apparently assaulted with a ball-peen hammer and stolen the seats and half the engine sheet metal. But I drove the thing for two years and actually liked it.

Great read. Having never bought a new car in my life, or even used from a dealer, I’ve been on both sides in dozens of transactions. Some people are just as amazingly obtuse as you describe, and I’ve told plenty to just move on if they hate my car that much.

This is wonderful. All you kids would never remember the original Gunship - an AH-64 Apache attack helicopter game done in vibrant 4-color graphics - and the 20mm Vulcan machine gun. Default mode allowed you to fire the gun independently of the helicopter, just like in real life. Taking any “damage” to the gun system,