trophy truck ! its loud!, big! Expensive ! nothing says my life is better than yours than pulling into the parking lot with a truck that cost more than many homes, and that also has the ability to go into low earth orbit ! will also help if your girlfriend/wife is hot as hell haha. Also i bet you would be the only…
Actually, I don't know what the hell they did, but whatever they did was good enough to bind the driveline so intensely that the transfer case exploded rather gratuitously.
hey ken congrats on another great vid mustang is a nutty machine hope too see it out more and i have always wondered do you own all the cars you race or are they on loan ? And where did all the subies end up ?
is it just me or is that guy in the airforce shirt really tall....or am i really short..
jerry! i have a question that maybe you can help answer, so i'm 19 and i like this cute girl, any advice on how a kid can impress a girl with his car lol ? i drive a 2002 honda civic si manual or should i try convince my parents to let me get something more interesting lol. thanks
Wow the list is actually kinda thin in some spots no zr1 or z06 no type r civics or s2000... never mind i read further i hope all the cars are premium cars with full interiors
hey chip glad to see that overhaulin is back on t.v, the lotus you did recently was probably one of the cooler cars that has been done on the show. My question is how did you get your name out there as a car designer and builder? I want to be an editor for one of the big magazines like car and drive and motor trend…
pretty much they boxed a range rover in, he slowed down to let them pass, and the dumbass on the white bike brake checks him. We all no ranger rovers like all large trucks cant stop. this is all the bikers fault, for those who ride, these guys are all making you look bad.
pretty much they boxed a range rover in, he slowed down to let them pass, and the dumbass on the white bike brake checks him. We all no ranger rovers like all large trucks cant stop. this is all the bikers fault, for those who ride, these guys are all making you look bad.
pretty much they boxed a range rover in, he slowed down to let them pass, and the dumbass on the white bike brake checks him. We all no ranger rovers like all large trucks cant stop. this is all the bikers fault, for those who ride, these guys are all making you look bad.
every road in RHODE ISLAND
i think this truck has a very nice price lol…
hey have you guys thought about building and actual street legal drag car to race against the guys from Oklahoma "street outlaws " ? i think it would be a hell off a race and then sell the car you build for cash lol
Dear ken