Amateur Sleuth


I enjoy reading all the hate the liberals on here are throwing at McCain. Everything from body shaming to knocks on intellect. Those soap boxes are getting VERY wobbly

I loved TFA ice seen it a dozen times probably. Rogue one was terrible so I’m happy they’re bringing JJ back. Too many washed up Star Wars roadies bitching because they’re the best directors that’very never existed!

I find zero a day is the easiest and don’t leave valuables in your room unlocked.

I hate national security. Who cares if people come here to blow up public buildings mule drugs and rape our system? ! Sheesh!

The chat n’cut never works here!

I saw this movie, but Major League was about throwing away a BASEBALL season to move the team

I guess shitting yourself is now an automatic tko loss

show pity, you know he’s relegated to the winter Olympics now

These attacks on Bannon are hilarious. stupid and impotent, but funny all the same. #ReverendWright

maybe THIS bill isn’t the best direction but maybe it’ll birth a better one

For the fighters that they might finally get closer to what other major organizations pay... and the protection

Lose Lose proposition competing against girls. Either you win like you’re supposed to or lose and the media tears you a new one.

Everyone knows Lefty pitchers are weirdos

The biggest doping ring Jeter is involved in is Valtrex! He’s laid waste to some sexy starlets in his time with that diseased novelty bat of his.

Love the show! Great entertainment and btw my IQ is slightly above a carrot!

drugs er bad mmkay

“VIVA la Cowboys!!!!”

Loser talk...