
The longer you look the worse that Pic gets. Western division champions 2000... 

“There were these hearings in the ‘30s where they brought rich people in front of Congress and just kind of trashed them.”

“I don’t have health insurance” is not the flex you think it is, lady. 

If we don’t nominate Joe Biden, we’ll have no chance of reaching these voters!

Don’t forget to include Tom Perez in that centrist kingmaker cabal.

Hey, remember when the Bears were facing a 1st & 30 and they converted it only for it to get called back on an offensive penalty that put them at 1st & 40? That was awesome.

As someone who lives in Chicago and has to travel through the middle of the state semi-regularly, lemme tell ya: the Confederacy may not be their “culture” but the racism and general xenophobia? Cultural as fuck.

It’s like a facial wreath that you are awarded for never bringing a woman to orgasm.

Pro-Tip: If you want to increase traffic, don’t call it an Oakland Athletics blog. Say it’s a very early blog about the 2022 Yankees.

Like Morty from Meatballs.

If we have helmet control, then only the criminals will have helmets.

Then again, smart water has electrolytes and we all know that’s what plants crave.

Also, beets. We would also have accepted Battlestar Galactica.

Now, now, I know people are gonna slag on this comment and the unironic use of the word “sheeple” but you’re absolutely right. Bernie’s “Medicare For All or we’ll kill you” slogan and Liz Warren’s “Economic Justice or DEATH” rally chants concern me too.

we must also raise our voices in rejection of these heinous and cowardly acts of hate, terror and violence.

Black shooters=Thugs/Animals

You know when somebody in the greys says something so wildly stupid that you have to pull them into the larger conversation simply to dunk on them?

Truth! He’s been on the wrong side of the things forever now but not in a cool unpredictable rebellious way, always towing the line of the establishment and monied interests. Personal tragedies aside in his case, I think he’s an ass and unfit to be in the mix in such an openly progressive primary. 

She looks like Brian Dennehy in a blonde wig.